“I hate when people talk about Black women being obese. I hate it, because it becomes a way to blame us for a set of conditions that we didn’t create.” – @ProfessorCrunk.
— Black Women OWN the Conversation (@BlackWomenOWN) September 16, 2019
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ht/ cynic
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Obama made them fatter sooner….”BOOM A SOONER, BOOM A SOONER….GO OU!” somebody gots to provide our oxen…..
Drop the HoHo. Ho.
This goes way beyond the victimschtick.
My casual observation of gi-normous black women thundering through restaurants, all you can eat buffets and retail establishments pre-dates the Trump presidency.
Remember Bertha Butt?
EBT cards didn’t help.
USA have the fattest poor people on earth.
If they keep eating they may well thrust the earth out of solar orbit because of disproportionate weight distribution and thrust us into a fiery encounter with the Sun.
Beware of the danger of welfare powered Gluteal Change.
(That was my Hank Johnson Guam moment)
@0:13 – Trump.
@0:27 – white.
@0:39 – racist.
@0:42 – struggle.
All Coded, all in there.
Good gravy! Walk through any mall, grocery store, 7-11, fast food joint, and you’ll notice most people are fat. Black, white, whatever. Probably the Chinese here are the only skinny race.
She assumes all black women are poor and suffer from racism. Thus tons of comfort food. Oh and Orange man Bad.
I didn’t watch the whole video because I’m a woman of a different color and clearly they were not pandering to me.
…well, this guy doesn’t seem to think so…
So same conditions create all the ginormous white women? Same conditions create all yumungous white men? Same conditions create Hispanic ham planets?
Who are these normal sized, inscrutable people, creating these conditions?
Hey, Fatso, I simply do not care what you hate. Gnome sane?
And just what “set of conditions” was it that made you a fatso? Be specific. What was it that was outside your control that MADE YOU EAT TOO DAMNED MUCH? What damaged your ability to make decisions for yourself, such as a decision NOT TO EAT SO DAMNED MUCH?
Zig Ziglar said: “I never accidentally ate anything”
Look being fat is not all that bad.
They die way before Alzheimer’s and if the grid goes down and the Koreans invade; after three months all they are is pissed. It is a blessing in a disaster.
Soy Boys will die by the millions only days after any disaster. Oh, they’ll be in shape up to the end, but that is about ten days off
I would bet anything I own that your black ass was fat W-A-Y before Trump was elected.
Thank everyone who watched so i didn’t have to watch the “i’m a victim show”.
Pretty much have seen it in the line at the grocery store.
Aside question.
You are in a grocery store. You have four items. There are three open lanes.
Lane 1 is the express line and has a fat black woman with 37 items.
Lane 2 has an elderly person paying cash, but opens a squeeze purse digging for exact change.
Lane 3? Not really open. But, not wishing to shoplift, but in no mood for this oft experienced impediment, you can toss a $20 and get along with your life. Even though you overpaid.
Which lane do you choose?
I am a lane 3 guy.
@ Uncle Al – Hey Fatso?
I’ve read that over and CRACKED up several times.
Have not heard that one in yearz…
But, she will say, “oh I have a thyroid condition OR I’m big boned”…
Lane #1. Always follow the fat black woman. She clears the aisle. Plus, you get to bug her with your white, skinny* male smile!
* And good looking!
An EBT life long card holder…apparently.
dat rite you fat bitches! … Trump be psykily makin’ you ho’s eat all dat shit to make y’all esplode!
y’all jus’ too ignant ta unna-stand
… now bring dat gi-normus ass ova’ here & twerk fo’ yo’ daddy man … & don’ foget to bring me my Courvoisier & a moon-pie, dum-ass bitch!
(channeling my inner Chris Rock)
Ham Planet?
That’s funny.
“I don’t hate you because you’re fat. You’re fat because I hate you.”
-Mean Girls
Wait… Trump owns Popeye’s?
In my mind, it’s the missing Seinfeld episode. The Grocery Line Choice. I recognize Dawdlers, EBT intentional obstructionists whose only purpose in life is delay and annoy, the elderly retiree AMBLERS who don’t intentionally obstruct, but happen to mysteriously find themselves at lunchtime on an important mission to get pudding.
I’ve got ten minutes to score lunch stuff.
Whoa, President Trump has been no where near that rotund leftist idiot who seems to be into self hate, neglect and tons of waffles and chicken. The trainer chick is at least on the right track – personal responsibility.
Blubber girl is blubbering racist crap and inadvertently (cause she’s stupid) implying black women are another species – not true, it’s a lie. With those retarded statements she confirms her progressive racist handlers taught her well.
^ PHenry: And they still write checks but can’t find their checkbook in their breast pocket. Then, their pen goes missing. Then, their pen runs out of ink. Then, after borrowing the checker’s pen, they insist on asking if they got the coupon price on the box of denture cleaner. Finally, after a nice extended chit-chat with the checker, they slowly make out the check, but forget the date. Then, they need help out and have to wait, blocking the checkout lane for Johnny Bagboy to come running, at which point, a new conversation ensues.
I usually smile and say “Take your time. No rush.” But it’s enough to make you dislike retired people. Wait…
BTW, Youngest of Ten, some of us DO have big bones – or dense bones. I sink in any body of water.
Photo of Brittney Cooper, 2015
The rotund leftist idiot’s condition is likely due to self hate, neglect and tons of waffles and chicken. Nothing to do with President Trump’s policies. She’s delusional. The trainer chick at least is on the right track – personal responsibility.
Blubber girl is blubbering racist crap and inadvertently (cause she’s stupid) implying black women are another species – not true, it’s a lie. With those retarded statements she confirms her progressive racist handlers taught her well.
Time for BMI mandates for welfare rats. Obese? No welfare for you. Get a job you fat ass slob.
It’s unbelievable but true; a small fork/spoon added all that weight….with the help of welfare, provided by the ‘all-caring’ democrat party which made it ALL TOO easy but at least they got your vote.
I never saw President Trump make her eat fried chicken and waffles! She’s just a lying fat woman who was probably fat long before Trump ran for office.
Dress for the body you have, not for the one in your fantasies.
@PHenry – I go to the aisle with the tattooed guy in a wifebeater carrying one item: a 30-pack if Milwaukee’s Best. If there’s anybody ahead of him, they’ll clear out as quickly as possible, and the guy himself has no interest in wasting time in the store when he could be out in his truck in the parking lot chugging the first two-three cans.
I could fit in one of her thighs.
Why are all these white women around here fat? Trump cause that as well?
I think I have an idea what caused it as I watch them ride around on the motorized grocery cart(you know the one that has a weight limit of 300lbs and they’re hanging off both sides of). I’m pretty sure those bags of chips and donuts along with that popcorn chicken and fried taters from the deli that they’re stuffing in their mouth caused them to be fat.
I’m not big on new laws, but can’t say I’d get too upset over a law that obese people cannot ride on motorized carts and can’t go around the store stuffing their face. While we’re talking about laws, why the hell do we allow obese people to get handicap stickers and park the closest to the store? Wouldn’t it make more sense to give them spots the farthest away and make them walk in so they could some exercise?
250 used to be considered morbidly obese. 300 was circus fat. Now we have 400 pounders covered in tattoos on magazine covers (they photoshop out the flies and the stink-waves).
I don’t care either way, but you don’t become 400 pounds overnight… unless you were 401 pounds yesterday.
They’re not fat! They’re big boned!
Also, they’re likely the reason why I have to step over chicken bones in the parking lot.
Why did the chicken cross the road? Stacy Abrams was chasing it with her deep fat fryer.
I’m still waiting for the climax of the story.
Marxists are the anthesis of personal responsibility, fat black women are not taught an iota of personal responsibility and thus procreate new generations of fat black women with no sense of personal responsibility.
The state raises the children and is responsible (literally) for their welfare, it is not the personal responsibility of the procreator.
That is why the vast majority of black women are fat.
It is as simple as that.
Greasy free ETB-cars food – and lots of it – make black women fat. Just ask that beast Michelle Obama.
Perfesser Chunk???
Fat and disgusting pre-Trump. Still dumb as hell.
Over 10 years ago a black radio host from Baltimore
gave some friends from Africa a tour of Baltimore’s infamously “poor” West side. After returning, the
surprised Africans told him: “Those people aren’t poor.
They are all fat and they all have cell phones.”
Oprah’s magazine keeps arriving in my mail. I keep Return to Sender that POS with a Sharpie note to take me off their mail list. I subscribe to zero magazines and haven’t for a decade. I know they just send them for free to demonstrate their circulation numbers are high. Really pisses me off that I get that magazine.
You can’t self improve until you own your results in life.
She’s not there yet.
It’s no surprise when they ain’t talking wif it, they stuffin’ it.
One needs to be in control of one’s body parts, ya know?