Trump Meeting With Heads Of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Is Not the Story – IOTW Report

Trump Meeting With Heads Of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Is Not the Story

Trump met with the HBCU, but you wouldn’t know it if you relied on the fake news media. They have their own agenda.

There are no stories praising the administration’s outreach and his follow-up on the campaign promises where he vowed not to forget black concerns. That would make Trump look good and only highlight Trump’s charge that the left largely ignores blacks after election day.

17,200 results for Trump Meets With HBCU

No, today, this is the story-

Kellyanne Conway sat on the Oval Office couch in strange and disrespectful way.

55,400 results for KellyAnne Conway Couch

I do not like this photo, but think I have an explanation. The photographer must have asked her to remove her legs from the front of the couch for a cleaner shot.

But, she should have gotten off the couch altogether. This looks terrible.



33 Comments on Trump Meeting With Heads Of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Is Not the Story

  1. Will the Democrat Media Mafia please just outright admit they are biased toward nitpicking President Trump, where for Obama they were biased toward praising even minor accomplishments, and completely ignoring controversies?

  2. And the photographer needs to go.
    It’s like they were deliberately sabotaging the moment.
    Should Kellyanne be there at all? Probably not, but why didn’t the photographer restage the setting?

  3. With that much meat in the lumbering herd, I would put my feet away from the stampede too.
    How do they know her shoes are on? The photo of her taking a pic looks like she is barefoot.
    At least she hasn’t got her shoes propped up on the historical Resolute desk, or Monica under it, playing Bill’s harmonica .
    What a bunch of pecksniffians.

  4. The WH photographer that took the picture along with whatever WH press department official that released the photo have to go. The photographer for not asking Conway to get out of the shot because she has nothing to do with what they are trying to convey as well as not mentioning (quietly) the bad optics (and don’t kid yourself, they’re not good) this sends and the press official because he/she didn’t recognize how damaging this could be to the President they are there to protect. Not sure if you can outright fire them because that starts a wave of “unfair retribution” stories from the media. Maybe some positions on the island of Diego Garcia just opened where they can act as WH representatives to the British authorities in the area of nature photography for the next 8 years or until they quit.

  5. She was taking pictures of the group as well and THIS picture shows her leaning back and checking to see if she got a decent shot. At least Trump doesn’t just rely on the official photographer to release the pictures. So instead of heralding the event–this is what everyone is concerned about? What if it were Michelle? (rhetorical)

  6. This is what kills me.
    “So called” conservatives chiming in with the idea that this is so horrible, in an effort to not look like hypocrites.

    I say bullshit, you want to pig pile, look at the filth you are agreeing with.

    Join the bastards that will cut your balls off every fucking chance they get. 🙁

  7. Don’t kid yourselves, this is the least likely story to be trumpeted by the lying media. And that they are getting a rise out of concern trolls over KAC’s posture on a WH sofa is scary. She’s not sitting on a holy artifact, for heaven’s sake!

    Back in the bad old days of PC, this is a story. In Trump’s WH it is not. Don’t hamstring our POTUS and his admin by chiming in with this ridiculous nonsense. The very last thing we need to do is give in to the Left’s outrage over crap like this. As someone said, above, where was were the fainting salts when that a$$hole put his feet up on the Resolute or when he invited all his ghetto friends into the Sit room? Yeah, there was no outrage from the Left. They’re full of BS; don’t even rise to the level of hypocrites.

  8. This picture looks like a preliminary shot and not a posed photo. Note the men looking away from the photographer. Whoever made this the official photo screwed up big time…..just sayin’….

  9. I hope that’s new couch after the barrock administration.
    otherwise kellyanne may catch something.

    how did they ever get the smell tolerable in that room so quick.
    that afrosheen stinks !

    of course it’s news, fake news from a fake media.

  10. Wouldn’t surprise me If Trump himself allow this pic to be put out there. MSM can only reach the low hanging fruit and so they again famously neglect the story.. Almost as is a room full of successful blacks is not somethings they want to report on.

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