Trump Meets With Princeton Physicist Who Says CO2 Is Good For Us – IOTW Report

Trump Meets With Princeton Physicist Who Says CO2 Is Good For Us

This might give everyone an indication as to how Trump will be dealing with the issue of global warming.


 Trump Meets With Princeton Physicist Who Says CO2 Is Good For Us
The Washington Post, 13 January 2017 Yes, Donald Trump met with Al Gore. But on Friday, according to the Trump transition team, the president-elect also met with William Happer, a Princeton professor of physics who has been a prominent voice in questioning whether we should be concerned about human-caused climate change. In 2015 Senate testimony, Happer argued that the “benefits that more [carbon dioxide] brings from increased agricultural yields and modest warming far outweigh any harm.” Happer is an eminent physicist  [and a member of the GWPF’s Academic Advisory Council] who held prominent positions at the Department of Energy, as well as at his university, and has 200 scientific publications to his name. –Chris Mooney

also on the global warming news front-

Global Renewables Spending Falls 18% As Green Policies Suffer From Brexit-Trump Effect
The Independent, 13 January 2017 Global investments in renewable power dropped the most on record in 2016 as demand in China and Japan faltered. Worldwide spending on clean energy fell 18 percent from 2015’s record high to $287.5 billion, according to a report Thursday by Bloomberg New Energy Finance. It was the first decline since 2013 and comes as environmental policies face pressure from populist movements that have fuelled the rise of Donald Trump, the UK Independence Party and others. –Joe Ryan

 Green Energy Plant Blamed After 1,000 Fish Die At One Of Britain’s Best-Loved Salmon And Trout Rivers
Mail on Sunday, 15 January 2017 A supposedly ‘green’ power plant has been blamed for killing more than 1,000 fish on one of Britain’s best-loved salmon and trout rivers. Officials are investigating if a fault caused hundreds of thousands of gallons of toxic waste to be discharged from an anaerobic digester and into the picturesque River Teifi in West Wales, killing every single fish along an eight-mile stretch. Two weeks ago The Mail on Sunday highlighted the growing risk to the environment posed by the ‘green guzzlers’, which convert slurry from dairy herds into methane. They have been responsible for 12 serious pollution incidents since 2015, but the contamination of the River Teifi just before Christmas could be the worst yet, according to anglers and environmentalists. –Nic North


ht/ sam s



8 Comments on Trump Meets With Princeton Physicist Who Says CO2 Is Good For Us

  1. Next time an EnviroNazi starts bitching about CO2, ask him/her/it if they want to live in a green world or a desert world?
    And as for Globull Warming, during the Medieval Warm Period (~950 – 1250) Europe was approximately 3 degrees warmer and had TWO growing seasons per year.

    I’ll take a little extra CO2 and a degree of warmth, especially if it helps to offset the global cooling from the solar Maunder Minimum (no solar activity, no sunspots, no solar flares).

  2. In the early ’90s was when the asshats
    forbade R-12, and R-113 refrigerant as it
    was killing the ozone layer. We had to go
    to a school taught by the EPA (contractor),
    and take a test to get certified to be a
    refrigerant worker. Not one of them could
    explain how the refrigerants (heavier than
    air) propulsed themselves into the upper
    atmosphere to be “suddenly” broken down into
    acidic gasses that eat ozone.
    Then we brought up WWI and the phosgene gas weapons,
    (the real father of refrigerants) didn’t appear
    to affect the ozone in the teens. Their heads

    I hate libtards, even worse when they cost me money.

  3. Of course CO2 is good for us and the planet.
    W/O leftist extremism everyone would know that.
    W/O the MSM everyone would know that.
    W/O jerks like Al Gore and Michael Moore everyone would know that.

  4. Most people’s eyes glaze over when you try to explain that a CFC molecule is heavier than air, and the Ozone layer is, like, way up there dude.

    CO2 is really important for humans because plants dig it. And plants turn it into O2. Therefore CO2 is pretty important.

    But again, eyes glazing over.

    I’m sure this comment is racist somehow. Science is racist because lots of scientists are effing white males.

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