Trump: North Korea Has Agreed To Close A Major Nuclear Weapons Testing Site – IOTW Report

Trump: North Korea Has Agreed To Close A Major Nuclear Weapons Testing Site

DC: President Donald Trump, referencing a North Korean state media report, tweeted Friday evening North Korea has agreed to suspend all nuclear weapons testing and close its testing site.

“North Korea has agreed to suspend all Nuclear Tests and close up a major test site,” Trump tweeted Friday. “This is very good news for North Korea and the World — big progress! Look forward to our Summit.”

“The nuclear test and the intercontinental ballistic missile test will be discontinued,” the Korean Central News Agency reported Friday, delivering a clear message from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. “North Korea’s nuclear test center will be discarded in order to ensure the transparency of the suspension of the nuclear test.”  read more

14 Comments on Trump: North Korea Has Agreed To Close A Major Nuclear Weapons Testing Site

  1. Hmmmmm………..
    Dear President Trump,
    Not sure who said it first, “Trust, but verify”.
    Send inspectors. If ND:tBF won’t let them in, or go where they need to go, then, “By their actions ye shall know them”.

  2. There was a report a few months ago that the mountain under which NoKo developed and tested its nukes collapsed. It was weakened by the testing. Or a stealthy military operation.

    Maybe the fact that the site and all the scientists were destroyed has something to do with Un’s willingness to give up nukes?

  3. The top guy in China told Rocket Man about the way Mr. Trump serves Cake
    He said” “Do not test this Guy, or I will hear about your demise during the dessert course.”

  4. They will be given a shit-ton of aid, bide their time until Trump leaves office, then restart the program all over again.

    Haven’t they done this before when they imploded a cooling tower?

  5. Kim isn’t giving up anything. He’s already destroyed the stability of his underground test facility. One more test and the whole damn mountain will collapse. As north Korea is somewhat small he cannot do above ground testing without risking the heavy fallout, catastrophic civilian deaths and war with everyone in the area. Kim is a snake from a long line of snakes and is not to be trusted. I’m sure Trump knows this.

  6. Are you kidding me?! This is incredible news! Just a month or so ago, the Leftards — and Trump naysayers — were whipping up Trump hatred with, “OMG! We’re all gonna die from WWIII!!” Now, NOKO agrees to full nuke disarmament, no further testing, and NO CONDITIONS and all POTUS Trump gets is more skepticism and a tepid response?



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