Trump on Dreamers – IOTW Report

Trump on Dreamers

HT/PT   DC Whispers –

While the media often focuses on Donald Trump at his worst, this here is an example of Donald Trump at his best:  —>>> See video after click more

21 Comments on Trump on Dreamers

  1. And yet there are those that still believe he isn’t fit to lead. Really? The “Trump isn’t conservative” argument is a crock of shit as well. For 30+ years, Conservative and Republican leadership has been preaching the same old sermon about fixing immigration, job creation, tax change constitutional adherence etc.. etc.. followed by the obligatory ” Elect me and I’ll bring conservative values back to government”…and the moment they arrive in Chocolate City, they forget everything and hop right on board the gravy train with the rest of the criminals and grifters… lather, rinse, repeat….
    Along comes Trump, politically incorrect, offensive to both sides of the UniParty, has an ego that drives him toward completing his objectives, gave up day-to-day operations of the empire he created to run for the office of president instead of simply staying home and counting his money and so on and so on… the difference for me is the fact that when a republican or conservative politician tells me that he/she/it is gonna build a wall, bring jobs back, lower taxes, stick to the constitution and so forth, I just don’t believe them. Why? Because the vast majority have proven themselves to be serial liars who offered “We the People” the world to get elected via lip service and then went along to get along…When Donald Trump says that he is going to do the VERY SAME THINGS conservatives claim they were going to do, I believe Trump. It’s almost as if the “conservatives” are actually nothing more than an illusion, conjured up by the UniParty to give conservative Americans the appearance of representation while it’s plain old business as usual.

  2. Isn’t it the truth that a white president would be constantly excoriated for high black unemployment while Obama/Jarrett can skate?

    Don’t worry about missing that because just as homelessness suddenly became a problem once Reagan became president, black unemployment will once again be above the fold next Jan when President Trump is sworn in.

  3. I’ve thought about how I would couch the argument if I were running for president. It would go something like this:

    “The reason I will not allow myself to be swayed by certain groups is that my plans for America will benefit ALL of us. If we have secure borders, safe streets, good schools, and a vibrant economy, then it isn’t possible for anyone NOT to benefit from these trends.”

    Of all the candidates, Trump comes closest to this philosophy.

  4. Yes, boom, we get it:
    you like those frothing at the mouth anti-Trump sites (RScoop, moonbat, reaganr) and keep posting their stuff here.

    When you have a thought of your own, DO let us know.

  5. Medea Benjamin – Code Pink Founder:

    “It felt surreal to hear Donald Trump, the leading Republican contender for President, saying what we at CODEPINK have been shouting to the winds for 14 years now: that Bush and his cronies lied about WMDs, that the Iraq war was catastrophic, and that Bush never “kept us safe” because 9/11 happened on his watch.”

  6. Trump is not a conservative. Who’s to say this chameleon won’t change his positions on various issues again? And he sucks at debating. Hitlery would destroy him with help from the leftist moderators.

  7. TO Tushygator

    You’ve repeated the “Oh! But what if he doesn’t keep his promises? Be afraid!” cr*pola over and over.

    THERE IS NO POLITICIAN who has kept all his promises.
    Your objective is to instill fear and doubt. F*CK YOU.

    Trump sucks at debating?!?

    Two points:

    1) Trump is the ONLY one who can CRUSH Hillary in a “debate”, because SHE DOES NOT DEBATE; she logically and emotionally (if bloodlessly) attacks and retreats.
    2) This is NOT a f*cking HIGHSCHOOL debate sport.

    Extra Credit Third Point:

    3) You are a malignant troll. P!§$ OFF.

  8. TO Davy

    Should we dig up nice things
    Leftist Tip O’Neill
    had to say about Reagan?

    At least Ted still has Glenn Beck speaking
    and speaking and speaking
    and speaking and speaking
    and speaking and speaking
    for his.

  9. Ultimately, as Czar says, we vote for the person whom we *think* is going to do what we would like a president to do. We never know for certain. Although we’re pretty certain of what the Dems would do.

    Trump has made some fantastic statements like this. He has made some extremely cringe-worthy statements. I think he truly wants to make America great again, and is open to conservative views toward that. But we won’t know unless and until he’s elected – and of course there are no takebacks.

  10. Thanks, LCD.
    I would add to what you’ve written…

    As much as Trump (I’ll be fair and not use “may”) is a risk,
    SO IS TED CRUZ in his own way.

    The thing that turns me off about Cruz (using non wonk terminology) is his very slick ability – one which he has used repeatedly – to “speechify”…to justify/rationalize some of his own questionable stands with lots and lots of technical or religious blather (whichever is appropriate on each issue), whether before or after the fact.

    When I see THAT characteristic in a politican, I see big “red flags.”

  11. Conservatives in DC were all “PP is selling baby parts, thats horrible” 2 months later the Conservatives funded PP. I dont want to be associated with that definition anymore. I will not be voting for another lawyer/politician, no matter how many times the heretics at TBN or CBN pimp that charlatan Ted. I’ve seen enough Televangelists and traveling evangelists and charlatans in my lifetime, I dont send them money, and I sure wont vote for one.

  12. Boom, your pissant site RightPoop banned me and from what i read, hundreds of others, because i dont worship at Cruz feet. My post was “the audience was full of donors, so that kind of explains it” in response to some Cruzette rattliing on about the audience. Boom, i was banned. That website will be dust in the wind come march.

  13. “The only one who can crush Hillary in a debate?” You’re as stupid as you sound, aren’t you? Trump sucks at debating, dopey. He’s awful. If you weren’t so star struck or a zombie you’d clearly see that… and the embarrassment that’s coming when he goes up against the Hildabeast.

    Debates are yuge. Both Trump and Rubio (no show/robot) have proven this. We need a true conservative, not a mouthpiece who’s hair and opinions flop with the winds of change.

  14. TO charlieWoW
    I’m givin’ ya a HALLELUJIA! from here, brother!

    TO NaviTROLL


    “Trump is the ONLY one who can CRUSH Hillary in a “debate”, because SHE DOES NOT DEBATE; she logically and emotionally (if bloodlessly) attacks and retreats.”

    Cruz would be chewed up and spit out by Hillary.

    Aside from that, we DON’T need a true conservative, at least not one who votes to abdicate America’s sovereignty and then feign innocence…oh yeah…and then throw up the “PRAZE JAY-sus!” whenever useful. YOU’RE THE USEFUL IDIOT here loser.

    At least you’re using Trump’s jargon/style to criticize Trump!

  15. Trump will be quite the contestant for Hillary’s pre-scripted TV ‘debates’. She’s a master of avoiding reality, he’s a master of reality TV.
    Should I go for the cheese or butter-toffee popcorn?

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