Trump on North Korea Missile Launch: ‘We Will Take Care of It’ – IOTW Report

Trump on North Korea Missile Launch: ‘We Will Take Care of It’

Breitbart: While speaking on Tuesday, President Trump reacted to North Korea’s missile launch by stating the situation will be taken care of and handled and that he had a “long discussion” on the matter with Defense Secretary James Mattis.

Trump said, “As you probably have heard, and some of you have reported, a missile was launched a little while ago from North Korea. I will only tell you that we will take care of it. We have General Mattis in the room with us, and we’ve had a long discussion on it. It is a situation that we will handle.”


12 Comments on Trump on North Korea Missile Launch: ‘We Will Take Care of It’

  1. I remember when a young soldier had Saddam in his crosshairs before the War and did not shoot because he wasn’t given permission. After the War they imprisoned soldiers who properly defended their lives and the lives of others. If I had a shot on the boy named Kim I’d be tempted to take it. Millions of lives might be saved, and eventually everybody would read my book and pay me for seminars… well, maybe not seminars but “Why I Did It (with a 180 grain grain headache)” might do well.

  2. If My Donald says he’s gonna take care of it then I trust him to take care of it and I am not going to worry about it. I don’t need the details beforehand. It is nice having a POTUS who doesn’t give the enemy a heads up on what we are gonna do to them. MAGA

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