Trump on Tainted Election – IOTW Report

Trump on Tainted Election

From the Desk of President Trump:
Donald J. Trump 9:48am May 6, 2021
Congratulations to the great Patriots of Windham, New Hampshire for their incredible fight to seek out the truth on the massive Election Fraud which took place in New Hampshire and the 2020 Presidential Election. The spirit for transparency and justice is being displayed all over the Country by media outlets which do not represent Fake News. People are watching in droves as these Patriots work tirelessly to reveal the real facts of the most tainted and corrupt Election in American history. Congratulations Windham—look forward to seeing the results.


It is most infuriating when comedians and newscasters (redundant, I know) just keep repeating that Trump is delusional and that this election was “the most secure ever.”

That is patently absurd.

Biden did not receive the most votes in the history of our nation. He simply did not.

Trump GAINED votes from his first election. There is no way Biden had the numbers, nor the enthusiasm, to overtake the Trump tsunami.

We are expected to believe Biden prevailed as the down ballot democrat candidates didn’t? That is crap and smart people know this.

ht/ all too much

9 Comments on Trump on Tainted Election

  1. The DOJ will shut it down like they are doing in AZ because of “civil rights,” and nobody will do a damn thing about it. If we don’t get organized we are done.


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