Trump on Vax— – IOTW Report

Trump on Vax—

32 Comments on Trump on Vax—

  1. Yeah, he needs to STFU about the jab. Seriously.

    You didn’t create the jab, Donald. You were used to get it done. It would have been rolled out just as quickly under President Cankles. Stop pretending otherwise.

  2. He has to tread lightly here. This is the epitome of being caught between a rock and a hard place.
    If he admits it is a mess then the commies will call him a killer.
    We are in very dark times.

  3. ‘People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine’

    But they’re still getting the flu?
    And what do you mean “aren’t dying?” Cuz plenty of people who’ve taken the “vaccine” are dead – or worse – fucked up.

    Don, you’re a businessman, not a fukkin doctor. Stick with what you know.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He needs to turn on a soccer game and watch players dropping with heart attacks. I don’t want him running again he knew how bad the swamp was but didn’t drain it. Should of fired all Bush Jr and Obama appointees.

  5. Unfortunately, President Trump almost certainly was given the real “vaccine”, unlike Walter the Usurper or any of the prominent leftist COVID terrorists, so he won’t be around to run in ’24.

  6. Well, if he’s against forcing the jab and forcing masking he’s still better than what we’ve got.
    And his policies towards making America stronger and more respected globally is the key issue for me. I’ll vote for him if he becomes the nominee. No Rino’s.

  7. He must have seen all the adverse reactions and deaths, and he’s not being paid to say that, so why is he saying it? I think it’s because he’s a health nut. He should just stfu and leave it to DeSantis.

  8. He has to know what is really going on. He has to. This thinking is a knock out for me. Minimally tens of 1000s have died or been permanently disabled. And depending on what study you look at it could be 100s of 1000s.

  9. First, he had the Chinese flu so why take a shot? Or 3 in his case.

    Second, it’s not a vaccine and it is MOST DEFINITELY NOT SAFE.

    Finally I’d estimate that close to 100% of his base are not vaxxed. Might be a good time to distance yourself from this crap. No way anyone gets my vote touting this poison.

  10. MMinWA: “Finally I’d estimate that close to 100% of his base are not vaxxed.”

    I wish that were true, but unfortunately, early on, many fell for the “vaccine” hoax. I personally know many strong Trump supporters who fell for it and got jabbed—particularly seniors and the obese. Some of them do regret it now and won’t take the boosters, but it may be too late.

  11. I think he and his family were threatened.
    But even if that’s not so, he just lost my vote.
    I’ve long suspected he’s part of all this , and just playing his role by playing us.
    If he does run, I guarantee (as much as I can from my little corner) the press will finally report some semblance of truth and hang all the deaths from the jabs on him.

  12. So long as he is steadfastly against any mandates then I could give a hoot in hell what his opinion on them is. He is as entitled to his opinion as much as the next guy, BUT only so long as he does not entertain the notion that some opinions regarding the “vaccine” are too dangerous to share.

    No one who either is for mandatory vaccination or shutting down the flow of information is worthy of or entitled to any degree of respect whatsoever.

  13. Although, President Trump has implemented excellent conservative policies, he speaking from the heart as a moderate, Kennedy Democrat, which he was for years. He believes he was advised by “experts” who are interested in the greater good no matter their political ideology. Well, you would think he’s learned that’s not true by now. Fauci and the Democrats sabotaged his plan to protect Americans from Covid.

    The problem with Trump is he has to accept the reality his ideal objective, the development of a real vaccine for Covid doesn’t exist. Instead a poisonous form of gene therapy created by the CCP is being jabbed in the arms of many deceived and clueless Americans.

    Trump just can’t accept he was duped, but he must – to stay connected to his base.
    Continuing to deny reality about the deadly effects of the Covid jab weakens his support. He’s very prideful,
    Even after this – .

    If Trump keeps supporting his delusion, DeSantis has a very good chance of winning 2024. For many conservatives, DeSantis has been preferred over Trump for good reason. He’s making Florida great again without compromise. It’s very possible, DeSantis will do the same for the rest of America if he becomes president.

  14. I don’t care if President Trump is for or against the jab. He will get my vote anytime. He did countless positive things for the country in just 4 years and I consider him one of the GOAT presidents. One flaw – the jab – doesn’t define him as a bad president. If the election was not stolen, the country wouldn’t be in this dire situation. President Trump did not force people to wear masks then and would not force the jab if he were in the White House.

  15. Don’t get me wrong I love the guy voted for him twice will again if he runs; but he’s always looking to please and get glory all the time like stop dude this vaccine is trash.

  16. “I totally respect somebody saying we don’t wanna take it… the mandates are killing our economy.” … PDT

    what would’ve been the alternative if PDT didn’t create a vaccine?
    lockdown and/or worse for 5, 10, 15 years and then what?
    how much destruction & death would that have caused?

    been saying for a very long time, the political class and their toadies are evil and don’t give a shit about you


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