Trump orders DHS to track and publicly release data on honor violence/killings and jihad-terror crime by foreign nationals – IOTW Report

Trump orders DHS to track and publicly release data on honor violence/killings and jihad-terror crime by foreign nationals

Geller Report: Here is what the enemedia is not telling about the new American era under Trump. Finally, the truth. This was part of President Trump’s refugee ban.


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26 Comments on Trump orders DHS to track and publicly release data on honor violence/killings and jihad-terror crime by foreign nationals

  1. I call Marco Rubio today is Washington, D.C. I told the receptionist that Marco the ice cream man care more about the refugees and not the soldiers or the veteran in the streets

  2. This is all so impressive, he is doing what he said he would do. Liberal heads continue to smoke. One thing, President Donald Trump better have the best security ever assembled. Some people are going to be seriously pissed off pretty soon.

  3. They are not in charge any longer, our side is. Ignore them or belittle them but do not entertain them or legitimize them by arguing with them. Let them go insane.

  4. It is interesting watching the people protest Trump. Most of the protesters were’t even old enough to vote for Obama in 2008, but we should suspend reality to acknowledge their wisdom, so they say. They know for certain that what is happening is unpesidented because they link articles they read on sites that didn’t exist on 9-11. They think that their strategery is foolproof because all their snapchat friends tell them so as they block any dissenting comments on that site. That is backed up by the comments on their Instagram and vine accounts. Yes, these young people are in control of the world! Well, the virtual world…when they face reality, their cookies crumble and they run to their safe space with fresh cut grass, puppies with fresh breath and really pretty coloring books.

    And then tomorrow night at 8, Trump announces his new SCOTUS dude, and it starts all over again…

    #Winning is fun, and I am in no ways tired of it yet!

  5. I recommend that people also see on tv Lou dobbs and Charles Payne in fox business channel and on Fox News only Sean hannity tucker Carlson the o’reilly factor also Saturday the best show judge Jeanine @ 9:00 pm

  6. Of course the liberal rats will cite the numbers as evidence of increased terrorism because of President Trump’s real transparency rather than obama hiding numbers.

  7. @Mighty Mojo – what increased numbers as evidence of terrorism? obmama encouraged it and funded it. Attacks that happen in the early days of Trump’s administration is all on obama and the dems. They have let dangerous people into the US.

    They did not uphold the law and allowed an invasion of illegals.

  8. It is interesting watching the people protest Trump. Most of the protesters were’t even old enough to vote for Obama in 2008, but we should suspend reality to acknowledge their wisdom, so they say. They know for certain that what is happening is unpesidented because they link articles they read on sites that didn’t exist on 9-11. They think that their strategery is foolproof because all their snapchat friends tell them so as they block any dissenting comments on that site. That is backed up by the comments on their Instagram and vine accounts. Yes, these young people are in control of the world! Well, the virtual world…when they face reality, their cookies crumble and they run to their safe space with fresh cut grass, puppies with fresh breath and really pretty coloring books.

    And then tomorrow night at 8, Trump announces his new SCOTUS dude, and it starts all over again…

    #Winning is fun, and I am in no ways tired of it yet!

    Excellent Summary!

    Annie go Trump

  9. Gladys: that’s the point.

    Obama allowed, even encouraged, all types of crime to flourish, but suppressed the numbers. Trump will have real accounting, therefore the numbers will APPEAR to increase, thus giving the shit eating liberals fodder for more fake news.

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