Trump Pac Releases “Creepy Joe” Video – IOTW Report

Trump Pac Releases “Creepy Joe” Video

I love this video. It’s an obvious harkening to the video that the dems put out in 2015 to try and sink Donald Trump, only, this one has video evidence of the creepiness charge.

19 Comments on Trump Pac Releases “Creepy Joe” Video

  1. TOO SOON! Wait until he gets the nomination and then tear out his throat.

    But it will be fun listening to all the others have to answer questions do they believe the women and do they think Joe should run.

  2. The demorats are going to field a much younger candidate. Old Bag Hillary is out of it and now so is Old Perv Joe.

    They likely always knew he was kinky but are pulling his skeletons out of the closet at this time for political reasons.

  3. There’s pictures of Creepy Joe putting his hands on women’s breasts and Al Franken only pretended to do it, and he had to resign. The left are freaking hypocrites. So much for the #MeToo movement, they’re hypocrites too.



    These people have no moral conscience, b/c they can behead their own children inside their own body and call it a “right.”

    They are only embarrassed if Joe is a political liability, just remember they can’t be shamed, it’s everyone else that can.


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