Trump Pardons Arpaio – IOTW Report

Trump Pardons Arpaio


32 Comments on Trump Pardons Arpaio

  1. Late Friday, “Gorka resigns” quickly followed by “Trump Pardons Arpaio” is actually brilliant handling of the media by the Trump administration. They kept the pardon in their back pocket and waited to use the “trump card” to upset what would have been a full-Gorka news weekend. Also, the hurricane helps.

  2. This may be the best well-played Friday-night news dump ever! With the news (and Drudge) using Hurricane Harvey to hit Trump, Gorka probably agreed to delay his resignation and they also delayed the Arpaio parden based upon the news creating their newest Trump “Storm”: “Harvey is not just a imagined gigantic white rabbit that dementia-fallen Trump is chasing around the White House with a golf club, Harvey is actually a hurricane that Trump is ignoring while he chases the big white rabbit!”

  3. CLOWARD-PIVEN: overwhelm something until it’s destroyed or can’t keep up.

    DO WHAT YOU WANT ON FRIDAY –no one is watching the media anyway.

    Do something news-breaking on MONDAY to interrupt the news cycle.

  4. Great move by Trump. Sheriff Arpaio is a good man. Barry and crew think they are the only ones who can stage a media firestorm. Well, the left are chaotic and get caught in their own traps, but President Trump stategally keeps the liberal media chasing its tale while he rescues the America.

  5. Good move, but it only means a miscarriage of justice has been prevented. If the Rinos in House and Senate won’t push the agenda we voted for last November, it’s high time for President Trump to campaign for stronger candidates to replace them.

  6. We need a new meme here, who can draw pics of these whiney Libs and put pink underwear over their heads???? Somewhere on the pink underwear in black letters print “SJW”….Sheriff Joe Warriors.

  7. Jeff Flake tweets

    “I would have rather POTUS let the judicial process take it’s course.”

    This guy acts like a little kid. If Trump says white his auto response is black. LOSER. I’d say his political run is JUST about over.

  8. B_B,
    Flake the flake doesn’t want to realize that there was no “judicial process” in the jailing of Sheriff Joe in the first place. It was just an O’Bozo temper tantrum that someone was standing up to BOdaPrez and applying the rule of law to get the job done that the CITIZENS of Maricopa County had overwhelmingly elected him for.
    This is one for the books. Even if Sheriff Joe now quietly goes into retirement, that’s ok. Time for him to take some well deserved rest.

    I wonder how Flake the flake would take it if he were put through the same “judicial process” wringer that Sheriff went through? For no valid cause at all. Just. Because. (I’d pay good PPV money to watch that)

  9. Deplorable B Woodman

    The Obama hold overs are going to take a third run at the Bundy’s. What ever happened to double jeopardy? I hope Session steps in. But that’s too much to ask for. So I hope DJT pardons the entire clan. If we were men we’d round up these bastard prosecutors and hang them.

  10. I’m glad for Arpaio as that was clearly a railroad job. This kind of abuse doesn’t stop until those involved are called to account. I’m sick of waiting for something to be done about this out of control legal system. Get on the offence instead of reacting.

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