Trump Picks the Wife of a Turtle For Transportation Secretary – IOTW Report

Trump Picks the Wife of a Turtle For Transportation Secretary

Elaine Chao is a bonafide establishment pick, having been in the cabinets of both Bush the Elder and Bush the Simpler.

I guess it’s fitting that the wife of a turtle, Mitch McConnell, would be named the Transportation Secretary. It’s better than being the wife of the hare, amirite?





23 Comments on Trump Picks the Wife of a Turtle For Transportation Secretary

  1. point 1 ~ this may be a way to get McConnell on line w/ Trump’s initiatives … your wife’ future is in my hands now, sez the spider to the fly
    point 2 ~ all these GOPe picks just end up showing that Trump is going to govern as a moderate RINO … then he won’t get a second term (& I’m not willing to believe this scenario …. yet)

  2. Minimal impact appeasement pick. Transportation Secretary? Yeah. It’s important sorta. But most issues will be at the state level. I’m being a peacemaker here. Most cabinet picks have been rock solid so far. Is Elaine chao the hill upon which we chose to pick a fight?

    I’ve seen her at CPAC for many years and she’s not objectionable even if she’s married to the turtle. He definitely married above his pay grade.

  3. As long as Trump remembers that we need to give the slash and burn treatment to the liberal establishment and take no prisoners. Destroy it all and anyone who gets in the way.

  4. Looks like Wilbur Ross is possibly Trump’s new Commerce Sec.

    Experience with the WR methodology: Wilber Ross put the money up to buy the bankrupt LTV Steel, putting several thousand steel workers and engineers back to work in 2002. The new company was ISG. The kind of men he bankrolled were not schmucks. They had the new company rolling steel within one month of acquisition.

    The workers accepted the NON-UNION jobs, and the bonuses (productivity) were great. Everyone who signed on knew that management could and would work side by side with non-salaried, and no one would utter – that’s not my job.

  5. I thought he’d appoint Gov. Christie to that position of Trans. Sec., what with all his experience in moving all those traffic cones around Fort Lee to fuck up traffic for millions. I was stuck in that mess a few Septembers ago. Fuck that Fat Fuck!

  6. One embarrassing pick right after the next maybe he will actually pick romney so at least the excuses can stop rolling. These were not the “BEST AND SMARTEST PEOPLE” we were promised

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