Trump Places Army Secretary in Charge of Pentagon After Shanahan Withdraws From Consideration – IOTW Report

Trump Places Army Secretary in Charge of Pentagon After Shanahan Withdraws From Consideration

Epoch Times:

President Donald Trump announced that Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan has withdrawn from consideration for the permanent job and revealed his replacement.

Trump took to Twitter on June 18, writing: “Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, who has done a wonderful job, has decided not to go forward with his confirmation process so that he can devote more time to his family.”

“I thank Pat for his outstanding service and will be naming Secretary of the Army, Mark Esper, to be the new Acting Secretary of Defense.”

Trump said that he believes Esper will do a good job “I know Mark, and have no doubt he will do a fantastic job!” he wrote.

The White House announced in May that Shanahan was nominated to be the permanent Secretary of Defense. Shanahan had been the deputy secretary of defense until Secretary of Defense James Mattis resigned on Jan. 1.

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6 Comments on Trump Places Army Secretary in Charge of Pentagon After Shanahan Withdraws From Consideration

  1. Sometimes I have to question some of his choices. Replacing a do nothing with another deep state compliant do nothing?
    There’s dozens of conservative firebrands out there that could be shaking things up and he opts for this milquetoast?

  2. It’s doubtful Shanahan will go back to Boeing either. His past domestic violence issues guarantee that.

    What I don’t understand is how the FBI didn’t uncover Shanahans past when he was first vetted for Deputy SecDef. Only a feckless incompetent corrupt bunch of buffoons could miss that….oh wait, were dealing with the FBI here

  3. It’s doubtful Shanahan will go back to Boeing either. His past domestic violence issues guarantee that.

    What I don’t understand is how the FBI didn’t uncover Shanahans past when he was first vetted for Deputy SecDef. Only a feckless incompetent corrupt bunch of buffoons could miss that….oh wait, were dealing with the FBI here

  4. Thomas Sowell once commented on his brief time working in the federal government and how frustrating it was. He was criticized often for being to efficient and breezing through his assigned workload. Actually accomplishing things was frowned upon and setting a pace that couldn’t justify hiring more employees. He found that to be the common atmosphere everywhere in government.
    No wonder they have time to keep up with the latest porn.

  5. It’s doubtful Shanahan will go back to Boeing either. His past domestic violence issues guarantee that.

    What I don’t understand is how the FBI didn’t uncover Shanahans past when he was first vetted for Deputy SecDef. Only a feckless incompetent corrupt bunch of buffoons could miss that….oh wait, were dealing with the FBI here


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