Trump Posted This – IOTW Report

Trump Posted This

40 Comments on Trump Posted This

  1. The expressions are much closer than the faces.

    Oh, yeah, please don’t try to dress like Elvis, President Trump. Then all the never-Trumpers and TDS sufferers will claim you want to be the King.

  2. I was in LA for the 1984 Olympics, my [future] wife had a good friend, another attorney, who rented out her Pasadena home to a Sports Illustrated crew for the 2 weeks for something like 35K, and that’s in 1984 dollars. She spent those 2 weeks in Tahiti.

  3. Elvis was a patriot, a good soldier, and a genius performer. (He had it over Michael Jackson.) Trump is a great patriot, was successful in military school, and is a genius all around. Elvis should be very flattered.

  4. Rich, they are gouging the shit out of Superbowl suckers that come out here this week.
    Teams are staying far away from the Strip and are forbidden to gamble.
    I expect they can still go to The Spearmint Rhino…

    The weather sucks so far, should be OK Sunday, of course the game is indoors.
    They have a lanai door but never open it for games.

  5. Ha, I had to Google The Spearmint Rhino. The last strip club I went to was The Body Shop on Sunset Blvd back in the 80’s.

    I can’t imagine any team having much control over dumbass NFL players in their proclivities for making bad money decisions.

    I imagine the LVPD has been given a “hands off” approach was most of the goings on this week.

    I hope a Superbowl thread pops up this weekend.

  6. Girls, girls, girls
    Long legs and burgundy lips
    Girls, girls, girls
    Dancin’ down on Sunset Strip
    Girls, girls, girls
    Red lips, fingertips

    Girls, girls, girls
    At the Body Shop and the Marble Arch
    Girls, girls, girls
    Tropicana’s where I lost my heart
    Girls, girls, girls

  7. He knows the jig is up & he won’t make it to the next election, aka insurrection 101. Please, please Supreme Court grant the President total immunity. Biden sends in a Seal 6 strike team with extreme prejudice, take out America’s # 1 threat, right the fuck now!

  8. Have anudder round, moe spiked kool-aid fer everyone. Treasonous traitors all need to be hung out to dry. Seems to fit the bill.
    Who knows maybe da New York Judge is taking away his Mar-a-lago too! I hope so! New York Trump Tower, gone, Seven Springs Estate, gone. New York business licenses all gone. Yep being a lifelong Con pays.


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