Trump Prepared To Sign Resolution That Condemns Himself (As the Left Defines Him) – IOTW Report

Trump Prepared To Sign Resolution That Condemns Himself (As the Left Defines Him)

Trump Best Get His Head On Straight.

Trump has announced a willingness to sign a left-wing prepared resolution that would, in effect, shut this blog down, a blog that has, so far, been giving him full-throated support.

Trump, in my opinion, will have lost control of his agenda should he sign this ridiculous anti-American document.


The preamble, in addition to expressing “support for the Charlottesville community,” demands of the President that he rejects “White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups” and urges him and his cabinet to “use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups”.

So by whose definitions are we going? And what exactly does “use all available resources” mean?

It demands signatories “speak out against hate groups that espouse racism, extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and White supremacy” — laudable aims were it not for the fact that the political left has abused and debased these terms, effectively stripping them of all meaning.

Today, a “racist” is someone who believes in legal immigration. An “extremist” is someone who doesn’t believe in mass, state-funded abortion. A “xenophobe” is someone who takes pride in their nation. An “anti-Semite” is — curiously — someone who supports the State of Israel, and “white supremacy” now occupies the Oval Office. The Overton window has shifted so far that even practicing Muslims are now decried by the most heavily quoted sources as “Islamophobes”….

more here

Absent from the document is any mention of violent hate-filled groups on the left, black nationalism, or any anti-American group that is currently defacing statues of the founding fathers.

This is an unnecessary and an extremely broad-brushed denouncement that is designed to allow the left to emerge as the arbiters of what is decent, fair and ALLOWABLE.

This is troubling.


39 Comments on Trump Prepared To Sign Resolution That Condemns Himself (As the Left Defines Him)

  1. I’m not at red level concern… yet.
    But I agree with you Dougl.
    There’s not much more of this that I will tolerate…. if true. (I’m still not convinced Trump will cave on DACA with no wall.)

    Of course, until anything is a done deal I will not put a shovel to Donald Trump. But I have to admit, I am eyeing the shovel gloves.

  2. I guess it’s true that any entity, including politicians, that is not fundamentally Conservative will become a tool of the Left.

    I am Dougl, by the way. Screwed up commenting from my iPad for the first time.

  3. Hopefully President Trump has a 3D Chess move to this crap.
    If Trump does not sign it, he’s “supporting” “White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups”.
    If he does sign it, goodbye free speech.
    Politicians (Democrats and Republicans) are evil.

  4. Veto the f–k out of it, PDT. They made you condemn these same groups three times already. Make them rewrite it three times and then veto the F–K out of it. Paul Ryan has yet to utter a word of condemnation of aintifa and other violent leftists. Eff them all. You are in grave political danger if you do not. I think Alex Jones is right : They are sedating you and turning you into low-energy Jeb.

  5. I seriously believe now that Trump fully intended to serve only one term as President. I used to think that he was a master chess player, but now I think he couldn’t even master tiddlywinks. With the impending flip-flop on amnesty, and now this bullcrap resolution, Trump has clearly turned on the sixty million or so voters who trusted him to drain the swamp. It was good while it lasted.

  6. Has Trump went stupid not realizing he and we are all of the above to the idiots who want this?

    I’m not too happy with his caving on DACA either, although as of now he appears to not be caving on the wall. One of his tweets sounds like it could have came from Obama.

    “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!…..”

    “…They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own – brought in by parents at young age. Plus BIG border security”

    If a parent doesn’t pay the rent and are evicted, should the landlord be forced to let the kids stay rent free because it was through no fault of their own? What happened to rule of law, a country without laws is not a country?

    I supported Trump for his non-PC attitude, his stance on illegals and Muslims. If this all continues to get watered down then it was another wasted vote.

  7. Virtue signaling, that the the left is full of virtue, is not a good thing even if it’s not legislation.
    We need, now more than ever, to have the left defined as accurately as possible – that they are vile American-Hating Marxist/Globalists that despise success gained outside their grasp, outside their total control.

    Why even give them a symbolic nod?

  8. I’m sincerely shocked! Shocked that you guys would believe this crap. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong, but do you seriously believe Trump would put his signature to something this obvious from the Left?! I don’t think so.

  9. And if we do not complain about “things we are hearing” how are we protecting our own self-interests?
    The signal we would be sending is that we are just cool with whatever the left demands.

    Our silence is condoning.

    It is our duty to have Trump see that there are millions out here that ARE NOT COOL WITH ANY OF THIS.
    I’m not worried about offending Trump or Trump devotees that are concerned that he feels offended.
    Trump works for me, I don’t work for him.

    If we’re wrong about what we are accusing Trump of he’ll get over it.

    I’ll happily be the asshole proven wrong. VERY HAPPY.

  10. Fur:
    NO PROB with pointing out the concerns/danger with such stuff.
    It’s the extra step of “Trump’s betrayed us” that makes me hear
    “2 + 2 = 5” in alot of posts.

  11. “Everyone seems to be ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater.”
    Not specifically directed at/to you Val, just copying the quote because it is appropriate.

    I voted as a ‘forgotten man’, now I’m feeling like an ignored person, gender designation optional. And that is supposed to be good, I’m told/instructed. It isn’t.
    And the bathwater, baby included, will just add to the level of the swamp, which now has tides.

  12. @BFH September 14, 2017 at 9:18 am

    (give me a few tries to practice my “tone”)

    DJT wasn’t a wise choice. DJT was the only “alternative” to Hillary. Was Hillary appointed? Then DJT’s usefulness is done. Like a used NASA toy, can he repurpose himself to do something else? Maybe. But if his power runs out before then? ZFG.

  13. Sounds like a proposal by the likes of Schumer and Pelosi. I don’t trust either of them as far as I could throw the white house. DJT will give this some thought and add domestic terrorist and traitors to any reworded resolution. DJT isn’t dumb and will quickly realize how he was set up. He has a history of turning the tables on anyone who tries to screw him over.
    While he’s at it he needs to have the DOJ arrest George Sorus and clan for domestic terrorism and seize all their assets. Said assets going to reduce the national debt, fund the wall, fund storm relief etc.

  14. >Not if you, finally, learned the lesson.

    I learned my lesson sadly a long time ago, knew there was no difference in parties and knew it didn’t matter who you voted for within a year they’d be like all the rest.
    Had hope that Trump would be different, honestly believed he would be and still haven’t lost hope yet, but this pansy feelings shit doesn’t stop then it will be more of the same.
    I don’t really care what he accomplishes, if he doesn’t accomplish stopping illegal immigration and enforcing the law then it really doesn’t matter. Now where does that leave us?

  15. @BFH September 14, 2017 at 10:15 am

    > I’ll happily be the asshole proven wrong. VERY HAPPY.

    Show of hands (pick from as many as you have available genders): How many of you have been the asshole proven wrong., and how many have just been the asshole?

  16. Trumps direct Twitter account asks this morning:

    “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!”

    I disagree with the premise. Those that he refers to are a microminority of DACA recipients.

    DACA covers people who applied to go to school online or dropped out. This media created DACA avatar of the class valedictorian being a 17 year old wise Latina or the next Chris Kyle is a load of horseshit.

    Once amnestied, every aunt, uncle, second cousin and adopted niece comes in.

    Yea, I want them all removed so they can Make Mexico Great Again.

  17. @Anonymous September 14, 2017 at 11:05 am

    > I learned my lesson sadly a long time ago, knew there was no difference in parties and knew it didn’t matter who you voted for within a year they’d be like all the rest.


    > Had hope that Trump would be different, honestly believed he would be and still haven’t lost hope yet,

    What lesson is it that you claim to have “learned”?

  18. The conspiracy theory is that he’s slowly being drugged and cutoff from trusted advisors. It’s not far fetched when you consider how many people like Bannon have been forced out, his daughter having to schedule appointments with him, etc. There are reports of him slurring his speech in the evenings.

    Everything he eats and drinks is handed to him by someone else, he can’t go to Costco and buy a case of diet Coke or water and lock it away, can’t eat anything unless the USSS approves it.

    It could happen.

  19. @Dan K September 14, 2017 at 11:42 am

    > prepare for Civil War 2 just the same. He was/is our last chance to avoid it

    Not if he is “proven” to have never been a “chance to avoid it”. After all, if Trump is just another pol, just like Hillary, then it doesn’t count. Now, does it?

  20. Trump’s just channeling his inner Democrat. 😉

    Seriously though, everybody that gets elected President thinks they are going to make big and sweeping changes, but then they find out that the President doesn’t have any real power unless he gets a majority of the Swamp denizens to go along with it. He doesn’t make the laws, after all, and executive orders only go so far.

    Anyway, as a member of the Power Elite, Trump probably knew all this this going in, but he couldn’t say that or he never would have been elected. Now he’s doing what he has to do in order to get anything done at all – he’s cutting deals and making compromises. It’s OK with me – I never seriously expected a giant Border Wall to be built, or all the illegals to be thrown out of the country, or any of that political quack that has to be said during a campaign. To me, Donald Trump has fulfilled all of the political hopes I ever had of him.

    He kept Hillary Clinton from being elected.

    Thank you President Trump, from the bottom of my heart.

  21. It’s been a concern that Trump was always a liberal at heart who wanted to be president to protect his business interests. Really hoped he would have a change of heart and see the superior benifits of conservatism. Not surprised he’s flip flopping. Looks like his obsession with adoration has taken over. If conservatives like Bannon can’t convince Trump he’s going down the wrong road, we’ll be stuck with another narcissist in the White House. Yes, still better than Hellery, but just barely if Trump can’t stay focused.

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