Trump Prepared to Speak in Wisconsin – Live Feed – IOTW Report

Trump Prepared to Speak in Wisconsin – Live Feed

HT/ All Too Much

41 Comments on Trump Prepared to Speak in Wisconsin – Live Feed

  1. As we listen to this late 70’s Holiday Inn Lounge music, I’d like to give a shot out to two of our friends. Max, a former gambler and poker player whose prosthetic heart valve makes a loud scraping noise when he gets excited, who believes Charles Manson would be teaching at Northwestern if he hadnโ€™t killed Sharon Tate, and his wife, Tilli, an opera-lover with a strong foreign accent and a fondness for saying “Oh, oh, spaghetti-o” . . . Ciao!

  2. TelePrompTer keeps him on message. He needs to stay on the TelePrompTer to avoid the controversy of his off the cuff remarks. By the way he’s hitting this out of the park tonight. Two in a row.

  3. @menderman. You’re seeing things, bud. There’s no teleprompter there. You can tell you’re looking at a teleprompter dependent speaker when you see the old swivel head, like Obama does.

  4. Holy Crap Menderman, I did. On the same night if Trump mentioned Global Warming is a farce, but mean while across town Hillarys VP pick were gunning down whit people in an effort to make this country less white, which story do you think the media will cover. Just because he’s reading it don’t mean he doesn’t beleive it.

  5. all in all … a good speech … he hit all the right notes
    … although, I believe the reason people gravitate to him is his penance to go ‘off message’ & smack the opposition w/ politically-incorrect moments. I hope in future rallies (they are rallies after all, not some scripted stump speech) he goes for ‘asides’ … make a remark here & there & smack Shrillary & her spawns of Hell around some … then calmly go back to message
    … make ’em nervous … make ’em mad … energize the crowd & the base
    oh … & fuck you #NeverTrumpsters … right up your collective poop shoots …. keep on taking the Blue Pill, ya freakin’ batteries to the system!

  6. ฮœฮŸฮ›ฮฉฮ ฮ›ฮ‘ฮ’ฮ•,

    You liked the speech? I am no musician, but it was in b-flat in a c-minor world. Totally emotionless. Read oft a teleprompter. To me it was wasted air….actually worse…..gave air to the enemy….

  7. Menderman, you missed my point. He can no longer say anything controversial because the media is totally focused on him. So mean while Hitlary is about to be reemed by the FBI and no mention. In other words, Trump needs to be squeaky clean to force the media to cover Hillary’s corrupt bull shit. In still other words, Red Necks like you and I love it when Trump rips and tears. But we are far from the norm unfortunately

  8. Brad, he did none of what you suggested. He simply read the teleprompter. Is he running scared of the media now?

    And, btw, I am much more the redneck than you. I live in North Carolina, not California. Just sayin’…

  9. Want a list of the guns that I lost in ’97? Shoot me an email. You know peeps that have it…mutual friends, so to speak…I’m looking for a few parts that are hard to find on antique guns…You could probably make them for such a person…right?

  10. A great lyric from a song we both like:

    “Weโ€™re from North California and south Alabama
    And little towns all around this land
    And we can skin a buck; we can run a trot-line
    And a country boy can survive
    Country folks can survive”

    BTW, can you make new parts for the guns I lost in ’97 or not?

  11. Damn, you whine and complain when Trump speaks off the cuff, because he says shit that can be considered insensitive or even ignorant, in your opinion, and you whine and complain when Trump uses a teleprompter and stays on topic so he doesn’t say things that can be considered insensitive or ignorant. Make up your frigging mind.

    I got news for you. You will NEVER be completely happy with Trump, and you will NEVER be glad to vote for him. He’s human, and humans aint perfect, and anyone who thinks his shit doesn’t stink, is an idiot.

    I was originally for Cruz, but Cruz fucked up and lost. Now I’m for Trump, because Trump isn’t Hillary. I would write in you to be president before I would allow Hillary to have the WH.

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