Trump propels U.S. to lowest unemployment rate in half a century – IOTW Report

Trump propels U.S. to lowest unemployment rate in half a century

God bless Donald J. Trump. A pox on the house of anyone seeking to undermine his efforts.


6 Comments on Trump propels U.S. to lowest unemployment rate in half a century

  1. Yep, that’s bad for the socialist scam. A lousy economy produces more people dependent on government. And all those young leftists with degrees in “social justice” will have to get a real job instead of becoming local commissars in charge of regulating and controlling every aspect of our lives.

  2. @Billy Fuster May 3, 2019 at 11:23 am

    > all those young leftists with degrees in “social justice” will have to get a real job instead of becoming local commissars in charge of regulating and controlling every aspect of our lives

    Government offices still need Party members, in good standing. The difference between North Dakota and South Dakota, is letters, on the sign. The difference between Columbia and Google, is letters, on the sign. And they, all, need Human Resource directors. And Diversity Officers. And loyal Party snitches.

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