Trump Protester Carries a Make America Mexico Again Sign – Interviewer Does Horrible Job Debating Her – IOTW Report

Trump Protester Carries a Make America Mexico Again Sign – Interviewer Does Horrible Job Debating Her

Joe Biggs, an InfoWars reporter confronts Trump protesters in Arizona. It was a group of high school girls and they pretty much bested him in a debate that he should have easily be won.

At one point one of the girls says that Trump is Hitler, seemingly unaware that they are carrying a “Make America Mexico Again,” which is pretty much a Hitler move.

 Make Germany Aryan Again!

InfoWars should stick to posting Paul Joseph Watson material. Biggs is unimpressive. He stinks in another video, as well, where he confronts a guy adorned with a Mexican flag and rambling incoherently about supporting Mexico because of his illegal parents.

The video can be seen at Gateway Pundit.




12 Comments on Trump Protester Carries a Make America Mexico Again Sign – Interviewer Does Horrible Job Debating Her

  1. Brad, that question is not relevant.
    These are not people running from a country they don’t like, they are an occupying force anxious to be reunited with their homeland upon a successful takeover.
    The unemployment rate in Mexico is lower that it is in most of the places they are invading. Go visit LA, most of Mexico, and much of south America, are better places to be.

  2. Oh there are many parts of the US that are already Mexico, in fact there are many places you’d rather be in Mexico. Maybe a welfare check in the box if you get home to make the difference.

  3. Finally!
    A breath of honesty from one of the illegal alien invading rat-people!

    I bet that even this won’t convince the morons that we’re being invaded.

    We are living through the Twilight of the West.
    And we’re too fucking stupid (or lazy) to do anything about it.

    Will the moslems allow beans, tequila, and really bad cigars?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Meds time for John. Unable to focus on anything outside his fancifully put together logic and other thoughts.

    The fact remains – they would turn it into Mexico. Which in turn means it would be a shit hole area soon after. Ergo, where would they go next. Relevant. A question leading them to self-examine, if they understand it.

    Saying or implying they don’t seek a better economic situation by coming here is either very ignorant – as in; you are ignoring that truth, or deceitful – you’re trying to pull one over on people who may not know better.

    Top that with a blatant effort to frame them as gallant warriors of righteousness is a very libtarded thing to do.

    Time for your meds. You can be better than this.

  5. “Make America Mexico Again” These little shits don’t seem to understand that the American Southwest is not and has never been stolen land. The Treaty of Guadelupe-Hidalgo, written after Mexico lost the Mexican-American war, ratified in 1849 ceded what is now the American Southwest to the United States. We even threw in 5 million dollars, which in 1849 was no small amount.

    If these little turds would actually open a history book, and try to learn REAL history, they would be running back to Mexico, but because they are actually not full blooded Mexicanos, but instead mixed blood indios, they think that white America owes them, just like our useless niggers.


  6. The relative harmony and liberty of the past 200+ years is a total aberration in world history. An outlier, a fluke, because as a race Man has always been inherently and incorrigably wicked to others. Always will be.

    Indians and native Central/South Americans stole from, massacred, enslaved, sacrificed and even ate each other (Anasazi) long before any Euro thought of coming here, just as Euros and every people group had done at some point in their past.

    Consider that, boiled down, the Left and its hired armies want a return to that baseline norm of our race.

  7. This reminds me of the Fall of the Roman Empire. Instead of Huns, Goths, and Vandals invading, we got Mexicans, Muslims, and outright criminals invading.

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