Trump Provokes Democrats Into Showing Their True Colors On Immigration – IOTW Report

Trump Provokes Democrats Into Showing Their True Colors On Immigration

Daily Caller – The White House announced on Thursday its offer of what it wants in exchange for granting a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal aliens who came to the U.S. as minors.

An end to chain migration, $25 billion for border wall funding and the elimination of the diversity visa lottery are the demands the Trump administration expect to be met in order to earn the president’s approval for a legislative fix to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Giving amnesty to 1.8 million illegal immigrants seems like President Trump is willing to concede a lot to Democrats in Congress in order to build the wall and make serious reforms to immigration policy.

But in spite of the major concession on the part of the White House, Democrats and left-wing activists are treating the offer as a “legislative burning cross.”

“This isn’t a counter offer; it’s a legislative burning cross. This isn’t an offer of someone who wants to get to a deal–it’s attempting to use the DREAMers as pawns to change the entire legal immigration system and get every item on Stephen Miller’s white supremacist wish list,” immigration activist Eddie Vale said of the deal.

“Let’s call this proposal for what it is: a white supremacist ransom note,” immigrant advocacy group United We Dream declared in a statement.  read more

19 Comments on Trump Provokes Democrats Into Showing Their True Colors On Immigration

  1. Unmentioned in this article – or any Dem talking point – is this proposal dramatically reduces the number of immigrants down to a level of 25 years ago. That’s what dems mean by “white supremacist”.

    Trump makes everyone drop their masks so you clearly see what side they’re on.

    Democrats are demanding whites meekly acquiesce and be complicit in their own genocide because a coup d’etat is not possible while whites are in the majority.

    RINOs who have been promised a cut of the spoils are forced to expose themselves as well.

    Watch how this plays out. Take notes!

  2. You know it just occurred to me that Trump is also setting us up to demand and cheer mass deportations of illegals – including DACA “sleepers”.

    If Democrats won’t accept a deal and conservatives dig in on “deport all illegals” Trump will have no choice but to OBEY THE LAW and deport no matter what the age or how long they’ve been here.

    Instead of sympathy the fact will be Trump did his best Congress and particularly Democrats refused to change the law. Trump had no choice but to enforce it.

    That will probably bring Democrats back to the bargaining table but the deal won’t be as generous.

  3. What turns my heart off for “ILLEGAL ALIENS” especially “deamers’ are the CRIMINALS demanding everything. Not an ounce of contrition, thankfulness, or any reason for me to think hey will be good American citizens.

    Cheap shots, using faux racism as an excuse for behaving so disgustingly, send a very clear message; they haven’t a leg to stand on.

    I hope President Trump starts taking away things, as he tries to get all immigration back under control, including building and strengthening a stronger border.

    And what the HELL is a ‘cleaner bill’? Stop making demands; you’re criminals. Had we treated you as your native countries treat ILLEGAL ALIENS, you’d be in jail!

  4. I just keep in mind that this brilliant deal maker we have as president is about 4 or 5 moves ahead on the chessboard. I trust him because he has already accomplished things no one could have imagined a year ago.

  5. Of course the dims don’t like this commonsense reasonable proposal, it’s not a demoncrat idea therefore they can’t take credit for it. The demoncrats want total surrender by the GOP and it ain’t happening. DJT just screwed up plans to utilize this topic for the 2018 midterms. Take it of leave it, your call democraps.

  6. Some observations:

    1. I listened, for about the fifth time, last night to an early panel discussion in which Stan Evan (M. Stanton Evans) talked about how the Left’s (the communists) primary tactic is always to flip from being the accused to being the accuser. The Democrats stand accused of desiring greater legal rights and protections for people who are in this country illegally. It has already been proved they will come down on the side of illegal aliens over paying for national security and the normal business of government. Yet, from this worst possible and wrong position, they push forward to call the president a white supremacist and invoke every other kind of racial and totalitarian comparison of historic villainy.Communists (as in CPUSA and the Mother Ship)have been doing this in America for 100 years. It’s how they force the social narrative and rewire (rewire) history. And it’s important that history becomes lore so that they can point backwards to the righteous myth as proof of present righteousness.

    To wit:

    – “Antifa” accuse conservatives of fascism, when Antifa are the fascists.
    – “Black Lives Matter” accuse whites of racism and police violence, when they are the racists and murderers of police.
    – “Dreamers” (both the illegals and their representatives in congress) accuse Americans and the people who take oaths to defend our sovereignty and laws of committing crimes against humanity, when they are the ones who use humans as pawns and expose them to every kind of real danger.

    Immigration activist Eddie Vale says, “This isn’t an offer of someone who wants to get to a deal–it’s attempting to use the DREAMers as pawns to change the entire legal immigration system and get every item on Stephen Miller’s white supremacist wish list.”

    It is obvious that Eddie Vale, Nancy Pelosi and others are the ones using DREAMers as pawns to change the entire legal immigration system to get every item on their wish list. And what heads that wish list? First, to increase the electorate in their favor and cheat their way to a permanent one party, one ideology, rule; to depress the earnings of middle class Americans; to increase the earnings of Wall Street over Main Street; in turn, to feed the globalist economic system that prefers a border-less world to having to deal with economic superpowers who vigorously defend their rightful sovereignty and national prosperity.

  7. Looks like Trump is the one showing is “true colors”…or lack of them.
    Pragmatism (“Art of the Deal”) is the EXACT OPPOSITE of principle. No ideology=no principle, so no principle ever gets sacrificed by tose driven entirely by pragmatism.

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