Trump Rape Accuser’s Slow Motion Mental Breakdown Continues – IOTW Report

Trump Rape Accuser’s Slow Motion Mental Breakdown Continues


E. Jean Carroll keeps a revolver by her bed, and it’s loaded. The Elle advice columnist who accused President Trump of raping her in a department store dressing room decades ago says she brought out the ammo after getting death threats on social media. “I’ve always had a gun,” she tells the Guardian in a wide-ranging interview. “When I’m doing Skype calls with my friends, I like to pull it out. But I’ve never had it loaded. Not until now.”

  • In the book, Carroll says she never had sex again after her alleged Trump encounter. “It’s just a fact. I think it’s because of my age, and that I haven’t been lucky enough to meet somebody.”

22 Comments on Trump Rape Accuser’s Slow Motion Mental Breakdown Continues

  1. “I think it’s because of my age, and that I haven’t been lucky enough to meet somebody.”

    B.S. There’s always a guy willing to do any woman. Any gal who wants sex, even Kathy Griffin, can find a guy if she looks enough.


    “Ooo, she MUST be telling truth, she sounds more desperate by the day!”

    “Well, of course she sounds crazy, if you’ve ever been raped in a department store, you wouldn’t be all that stable either!”

    (Family Court lawyer tactics)

  3. Putting live rabbits to boil on the stove tends to dampen the sex drive of any suitors she lures into her lair.
    She has that crazed look in her eye that flashes a warning to any man not completely blinded by lust that it’s best to get out when you’re still intact.

  4. No red flag law where she lives yet?

    IMO, she is exhibiting behavior that suggests she could be dangerous to herself or others and needs to have that gun taken away.

    And, under red flag laws, someone’s opinion is all that is needed since there is no other legal process to be considered.

  5. “… raping her in a department store dressing room …”

    Where “… nobody can hear you scream …”?
    Are you shittin me?
    Raped in a public place? Even the LIPs of New York City who rape openly in Central Park do it at NIGHT!
    She’s off her meds – doesn’t mental illness preclude gun ownership?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “It’s just a fact. I think it’s because of my age, and that I haven’t been lucky enough to meet somebody.”

    And she has an advice column on love and relationships?


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