Trump Refuses Call From Maduro, Until ‘Democracy Is Restored In That Country’ – IOTW Report

Trump Refuses Call From Maduro, Until ‘Democracy Is Restored In That Country’

DC: President Trump refused to take a phone call from Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Friday, and said he will not speak with the socialist leader until “democracy is restored in that country.”

“Since the start of this Administration, President Trump has asked that Maduro respect Venezuela’s constitution, hold free and fair elections, release political prisoners, cease all human rights violations, and stop oppressing Venezuela’s great people,” the White House said in a statement on the requested phone call. “The Maduro regime has refused to heed this call, which has been echoed around the region and the world. Instead Maduro has chosen the path of dictatorship.  more here


8 Comments on Trump Refuses Call From Maduro, Until ‘Democracy Is Restored In That Country’

  1. I’d SWEAR that guy in the picture is EXACTLY the same one who was in that 5-minute-long video with a Spanish game show host and some guy who made a joke and the two couldn’t stop laughing for 4-1/2 minutes.

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