Trump Removes All the Listening Devices in the Oval Office – IOTW Report

Trump Removes All the Listening Devices in the Oval Office

Actually, this is a picture of the renovations Trump has commissioned while he takes his working vacation.

He took out the carpeting to reveal the parquet flooring Reagan had installed in 1982.

24 Comments on Trump Removes All the Listening Devices in the Oval Office

  1. Gee
    I wonder why they had to clean all the way to the old floors.
    I used to rent property and believe me some tenants would destroy
    Dog and cat piss was the worst and spilled liquids.

  2. Big furry animals are crawling with parasitic insect life. It was likely impossible to prevent another infestation without removing the egg laden carpeting. The sleeping quarters should be burned.

  3. I will never understand why someone would carpet over such beautiful hardwood floors. I did my own floors in my house about 20 years ago where I went all out with brazilian cherry borders, greek key designs, herringbone, framed tiles, etc…all in different rooms of course. I allowed my wife to put down an area rug in the living room and a couple of runners in the bedroom, but everywhere else those floors are left wide open so you can enjoy the beauty. People come over and marvel at the work I did. I could have seriously done this stuff professionally had I been inclined to make a living at this backbreaking work. As it is, I spent nearly a year doing this work tackling one room at a time. A lot of time was spent just coming up with design ideas.

  4. It is not merely probable that the WH is bugged thru-out, I assumed it was absolute. There were reportedly long periods of construction during the bunghole days. I was surprised DJT didn’t have the whole place ripped apart at the outset.

    If he finds he can stay at MAR-A-LAGO and no leaks occur…. well?

  5. That’s the first thing I thought of when it was announced that renovations began. I hoped he would have done this before moving in. Glad he’s doing it now.

  6. Anyone who stayed a night in a hotel room that was previously occupied by a smoker has an idea just what a monumental job of cleaning is needed. The fact that a large wookie was kept inside, shedding, excreting, and rubbing it’s oily fur over everything from floor to ceiling is reason not to envy the workers.

  7. I cannot imagine the smell left from obama and his sasquatch in that house.

    i know from experience with rental properties that the only way to remove the smell is to strip it down to the bare floors and refinish them. fresh paint everywhere, two coats, and usually many prayers.

    a side note:
    did obama’s sasquatch have anything to do with the recent spate of big foot hunting shows on the television ?
    and if it did, is that racist of the entertainment industry ?

  8. My new home is 96% hardwood flooring, the other 4% is ceramic tile in the bathrooms and mud room. My wife was on me the past decade to rip out carpeting from the old house and replace it with wood.

    So far, we’ve been in the new echo chamber 2 weeks. How long do you think it will be before she wants to shop for some new rugs?

  9. Not to mention the damage done by the dogs. Apparently the first one was not properly trained, and used to pee on the custom-designed rug in the Oval Office (the one with a mistaken quote woven in)–UGH!

    The parquet is gorgeous, though I imagine another custom rug will be placed down (PDJT removed the obozo rug–for obvious reason–and had the clinton rug placed; imagine this was actually ordered done by Mrs. T!).

  10. I’m thankful that Obummer and Mooche didn’t have the wood floors taken up. They had a tendency to destroy the people’s property. Remember the first thing that went in on the WH grounds? The Mooche’s watermelon patch, the roses had to go.

  11. Why do you think PDJT took an unannounced 17 day ‘vacation’. I read a certain blog that said many bugs (besides the insect kind) were found, along with some dangerous items, and everyone was ‘evacuated’ (that was the word used) while the place was gone through top-to-bottom. The blog looked kind of shady, with links to less than savory sites so I won’t link to it and won’t believe it 100% until we get substantiating evidence elsewhere, but it’s definitely a possibility.

    I posted before the inauguration that President Trump (I really like to type that) should have the place scrubbed for bugs using his own team because I don’t trust the government spooks. Ozero had a lot of “construction” done and I’d be very surprised if he DIDN’T bug the place

  12. I hate carpet, harbinger of hair, dirt, sand, dust, smells, allergens, ick.
    Such beautiful flooring, only trailer park trash would cover it with carpet.
    Surprised Hillary didn’t roll it up and take it with her.
    I expect they had to steam clean the third floor MIL quarters.
    What ever happened to those cute puppies?
    Sarah McLachlan could not be reached for comment.

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