Trump Requests Border Wall Funding, Fewer Green Cards And More Deportations – IOTW Report

Trump Requests Border Wall Funding, Fewer Green Cards And More Deportations

Daily Caller: The White House sent a list of priorities to Congressional leaders Sunday that infuriated Democrats, but will “put the needs of American workers first” by expediting deportations, funding a border wall and implementing a merit-based immigration system.

Trump Requests Border Wall Funding, Fewer Green Cards And More Deportations

10 Comments on Trump Requests Border Wall Funding, Fewer Green Cards And More Deportations

  1. Read the entire thing last night. It’s a window into just how bad things had become under that community organizer. Really great letter from POTUS Trump to the Congress, too.

  2. The principal activity of Congress is to sit on their asses and do nothing, except get paid for sitting on their asses.
    What a bunch of scummy clucks!
    I think they all should be confined, and then sort out who’s whom. Treason is the reason.

  3. Hey DACA liberals,
    Because some parents brought their kids into the country illegally, you want special dispensation. You can’t be held responsible for what your predecessors did.
    But then you want to hold white folks responsible for what SOME of their predecessors did. (For example, I am willing to bet not many of us have slave owning predecessors.)

    Which is it?
    – Forgive people for what their predecessors did.
    – Hold people responsible for their predecessors

  4. NPR And CNN are outraged because of the “deal” announced the other day by Schmer & Pelosi. Nobody mentioned Trump immediately came out and declared there was no deal.

  5. “expediting deportations, funding a border wall and implementing a merit-based immigration system.”

    Sounds good to me – I’m on board!

    Of course I won’t hold my breath that the current limp wristed Republicrats will do any of it.

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