DailyCaller: President-elect Donald Trump offered a short response to President Barack Obama’s retaliatory measures against Russia.
“It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” Trump said in a two-sentence statement released just after 6 p.m. EST. “Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation.”
Trump’s insistence that “it’s time to move on” may rankle some in the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, many of whom contend that Russia deliberately attempted to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Obama announced a series of measures Thursday, which include the removal of 35 Russian operatives currently residing in the U.S. The individuals have 72 hours to leave the country.
20 some days left and then you can also get the hell out barry, and take the rest of your brood with you.
Putin responded by saying something to the effect of 0bama having the tendency to make irrational decisions with foreign policy, so he’s not surprised. And he looks forward to working with the new president.
In other words, the Russian Communist just rolled his eyes at the American Communist and called him hormonal.
I’m still waiting for proof they hacked the DNC. Do tell, skippy.
Perhaps a new low a President transitioning power to a Repulican administration. And you thought the Clintons were bad?
The pardon list fis going to be a treat.
Perhaps a new low for a President transitioning power to a new administration. And you thought the Clintons were bad?
The pardon list fis going to be a treat.
It ain’t January 20th yet guys. Moscow will probably wait for Trump to take office.
The real question is if the maladroit, narcissistic, petty, incredibly corrupt, phoney-baloney plastic banana Manchurian doorknob will! I´ll bet good money that this idiot will pull another stunt or two that will be even worse than this! I can´t help but think that Revrum Wright´s inept, two-bit, “God-Damn America”-hating, jug-eared, Gay-obsessed, Deserter-honoring, Lying-Denying, smarmy, lame Marxist Muslim Mallard is just itching to start a war!
The guy thrives on division, trouble and chaos. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Don´t have a crisis?
Make one!
That’s been his whole MO since day one.
I can imagine the back of Barry’s business card looks something like this:
Teleprompters read
Peace Prizes stolen
Enemies bowed to
Allies insulted
The American People Lied to
Spineless, Liberal Lemmings Catered to
The Treasury looted
Fingers pointed
Bush blamed
Red Lines crossed
Monuments Barrycaded
Al-Qaeda “decimated”
Benghazi Riced
Heathcare Gubered
Ferguson Community Organized
Israel fucked
And this Affirmative Action lofo commie doesn’t think the Russians will strike back, even harder? He’s either dumb like a fox or intentionally doing all the damage he can, while he can. He knows the NYTs has his back. So does the MSM.
Assuming Russia did it, It is a sad time if we have to rely on the Russians to expose the truth about the left.
Russia, doing the work FOX News used to do.
What is the law that prevents Mr. Trump from taking the oath of office now?
Oh, it’s such a bitch to witness when Barry’s estrogen levels are so out of whack
… don’t you agree?
Anything that mcRino and grahamstain come up
with raises my hackles. I’ll call bullshit.
This “Russia Excuse” is almost as lame as the “Benghazi Video Excuse”.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket” said the pathological liar.
I imagine Obama sitting in the Oval Office elbows on desk tappimg his imdex fingers with a thought bubble What else can I do to complicate and destabilize things for Trump..
Does anyone think that’s far from the truth?
What’s left for Obama?