Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance – IOTW Report

Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance

Do we want peace and prosperity or nihilistic antics?

American Spectator: Americans are enjoying an all-too-unusual combination of peace and prosperity. The probability that you will be killed or lose a loved one in a foreign war has dropped to nearly zero, while the chance that you or anyone you know will be involuntarily unemployed is lower than it has been in half a century. Moreover, real wages are increasing and inflation is negligible. Life isn’t problem-free, of course, but times are genuinely good. Much of the credit for this gratifying state of affairs is unquestionably owed to President Trump. Yet the Democrats assure us that he is a clear and present danger to the republic.

He is, they believe, such a menace to our sacred freedoms that the speaker of the House recently issued a press release declaring him too dangerous to leave in office long enough for the voters to decide his political fate. The next presidential election is only a year away, but Speaker Pelosi avers that allowing the democratic process to play out is a “weak response” to Trump’s crimes: “That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because the President is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections.” She is, however, oddly vague about the details of this alarming threat. read more

7 Comments on Trump Results v. the Mindless Resistance

  1. Its really very simple, the crooks are terrified that Trump is going to pull the curtain back and reveal that the wizard is a fraud, a fake, and a criminal to boot!

    They all want to preserve their elitist position and extraordinary perks (you wouldn’t believe me if I told you) as our “betters”.

    And the only way they can maintain the shame of being the Great and Powerful OZ is to prevent Dorothy (Trump) from exposing them!

    MAGA 2016 *** KAGA 2020 And send the bastards to prison!

  2. He killed the “tax” on the uninsured, and produced a 24,000 dollar Standard Deduction that even my Itemized Deductions of past years couldn’t touch. Business is thriving.

    Democrats suck.

  3. Anon (ahem, sure): I’m not going to kill someone for yelling at me — or even knocking a hat off my head. That’s just nuts. And I wouldn’t draw a gun on someone who is armed with chicken eggs, either. That’s really nuts.

  4. “The facts are uncontested: that the President abused his power for his own personal, political benefit, at the expense of our national security interests.”

    This sounds more like what Nancy and her buddies are doing.


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