Trump says he’ll be talking about gun laws a little later on – IOTW Report

Trump says he’ll be talking about gun laws a little later on


President Donald Trump on Tuesday hinted that he’ll be wading into the debate over new gun control measures, but said such conversations will likely happen later.

On his way to Puerto Rico, Trump praised the police response to the shooting that killed at least 59 people and injured more than 500 — the deadliest mass shooting in modern history. And he said conversations about gun control are forthcoming.

“What happened in Las Vegas is in many ways a miracle. The police department has done such an incredible job, and we’ll be talking about gun laws as time goes by,” Trump told reporters when asked if the shooting would prompt him to take up new legislation.

Asked about a pending bill that would loosen restrictions on purchasing gun silencers, Trump said, “We’ll talk about that later.”

The White House on Monday sidestepped questions about gun control, with press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying “today is not that day” for a conversation about any new gun violence prevention measures. Democratic lawmakers, however, immediately called for new controls, and started pressuring their Republican colleagues.


38 Comments on Trump says he’ll be talking about gun laws a little later on

  1. Bannon said for Trump to pick this up would be worse than not building the wall.
    ‘Legislation’ would only mean less freedom. If I were president I think I’d throw it to the courts – and let them continue the last couple of decades’ success in increasing the rights of gun owners.

  2. This guy may have done this specifically to kill the 2nd amendment as his legacy, given his apparent political leanings and statements from his family that he was not a gun enthusiast.

  3. The asses of totalitarianism will be braying for confiscation.
    They will remain ignorant that criminals don’t much give a fuck about laws.
    They will remain surrounded by people with automatic weapons to protect them and they don’t really give a fuck about anyone else.

    Watch. Hypocrisy will be blooming all across the land. Everyone will be in high dudgeon clucking and braying and pontificating, all the while preening and posing and pretending to care.

    It’s hard to say which is more sickening – the act or the aftermath.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Anybody listen to the duration of the bursts of automatic weapons fire in this attack?

    I could be mistaken, but it’s starting to make me wonder how anybody with (supposedly) no military experience could have been very proficient in operating a belt-fed weapon.

    Because it sure sounds longer than most magazines I’ve heard.

    Just sayin’.

  5. I grew up in Brazil, it was, and it still is a very violent place. I have been horrified at the sight of guns or any kind of weapons. In my mind only bad people had guns. The police also were violent (still are, from what I read about there), so in my mind, weapons were bad.
    When I came to the USA, I started learning that guns are part of the American culture. You guys grew up with them, it’s a rite of passage to go out and hunt. I’ve learned to admire and respect it. I still don’t own a gun, and wouldn’t even know how to hold one, but I would be very disappointed if your right is taken away.
    It’s insane that in this “multicultural society”, we have to assimilate other countries cultures, when they want to kill ours (yes, I’m American, not by birth, unfortunately, but by choice and by heart!)

  6. Maybe someone can tell me exactly what law could possibly head off the evil actions of a deranged murderer, besides one that stomps on 2nd amendment rights?
    Standing on dead bodies to push their agenda has always been part & parcel of leftist hypocrisy.

  7. @VietVet – Drum mags for AR-15s hold 100 rounds and in most states they can be purchased over the counter or by mail. I don’t know if that’s what the murderer equipped himself with, but it might be.

    The impression I got listening to a few short audio clips of the shooting was that the cyclic rate was below what is common for an AR with an auto sear, and that rate also wasn’t consistently the same. I’d bet a dollar the murderer was using an AR equipped with a drum mag and a bump fire stock. That’s only a semi-educated guess and I may well be wrong. We may never be given the whole story, though.

  8. @Uncle Al: I wasn’t aware they had drum mags with that capacity available now for the ’15 – I don’t believe they did when I was doing a lot of shooting. Either that or I forgot about them.

    Damn this Oldtimer’s Disease.


  9. My take on President Trump (Man I Love Saying That) is that “We’ll have that conversation later” means the equivalent of how Dad use to say “What until we get home”.
    PDJT (MILST): “Before this conversation starts, let’s remind everyone at the table that the inherent right to defend oneself with any reasonable means available will not be limited, restricted, nor revoked without due process. That the people are the ultimate holders and arbiters of power. And most importantly, that it is our duty as office holders sitting here to ensure that the people are secure in their ability to control and determine for themselves the best means to be able protect not just themselves, but also this great country, from those who would seek to strip their inherent right to self-protection and self-preservation. We will not be considering or entertaining any false ideas or narratives that would try to usurp this inherent right from our great citizens.”

  10. @Bad_Brad – Re: the picture of the shooter’s room. That horrible, tacky-looking design on the upholstery would be enough to push anyone over the edge. No wonder he snapped and started shooting people.

    Anyway, the guy was clearly an amateur. He should have gotten the ammonium nitrate from his car and rigged up a huge fertilizer bomb that he could have detonated as the cops broke in, thus going out in a blaze of glory and taking god knows how many more people with him.

    I mean, if you’re gonna be a bear, be a grizzly.


  11. 1st new gun law:
    Make it illegal for large venues to prohibit the carry of legal concealed weapons (we have an FBI background check, FCS!); carriers are designated as not to be served alcohol.
    Pretty simple, and a hell of a deterrent.

  12. Thank you, MJA! One of the happiest day in my life was when I became American citizen! Taking the pledge of allegiance and having my “welcome letter” signed by George Bush (I prayed that they’d call me before Obama’s inauguration!)

  13. @Val: From what you say, you are the kind of immigrant we need here. Of course you don’t have to embrace all of the USA’s customs – just respect them, as you obviously do.

    You are right about growing up with guns in this country. When I was a young lad, at a certain age you would be allowed to have cap pistols, then later a BB gun. As a teenager you would be taught how to use a .22 rifle, then maybe graduate to a larger caliber hunting weapon. By the time you were of military age you already knew how to handle a firearm, and you just had to be taught to use the ones you needed to operate in wartime. Perhaps all this was due to our struggle for self-government, or our frontier heritage, or maybe it was just the stubborn streak in the people who came here because they decided they weren’t going to let themselves be pushed around anymore as they were in the countries they came from. In any event, it worked for a long time without too many problems, and it insured that when we had to go to war that our soldiers were not afraid of the very weapons they were expected to use in battle.

    Today, however, things are changing. There has been a breakdown in family values that has nothing to do with guns, or knives, or even baseball bats. It has to do with being taught right from wrong, and respect for other people’s feelings.

    If we can’t recognize this and get back to our basic moral teachings, I fear we can expect more of these atrocities, and for a long time to come.

  14. If this guy’s only goal was killing, he owned two planes. Crashing into the venue would likely have caused as many casualties, especially if the plane was packed with ammonium nitrate/diesel.

    I still think the specific goal of this heinous act was to disarm Americans. Those politicians and talking heads have allied themselves with this creature in my opinion.

  15. Correction and apologies – the bump fire rifle is sporting a SlideFire SSAR-15, and a 60-round magazine and what looks like an Eotech, but could be a clone. The other rifle is a Daniel Defense DD5-something with a couple of 25-rounders and a hefty scope. The photos came from a reporter from Boston 25, wouldn’t be surprised if some “authority” had Stramineous Disorder and gave them to her. The DD5 is a $3,000 rifle. Slidefire’s site is buried. This really stinks of something.

  16. Brad, here is what I don’t understand when people are saying that it doesn’t sound like 2 guns. They say that what sounds like a 2nd gun is actually the echo of the one gun. So how come the echo shows up out of nowhere, then is gone again without any disruption of the firing of the single gun?

  17. Joe,

    This is relatively new. The two reports don’t appear to be an echo because the number of shots is never the same. So are the more subdued shots coming from the other corner of his suite? How in the hell is he jumping back and forth that fast? Now “THEY” say he’s filmed himself during his mayhem. End of argument right? All to convenient.

  18. If we could be confident that an investigation that ended with an honest accounting of the facts would take place I think it would be easier to be somewhat patient with the authorities and the media. However, I don’t have that confidence. I think we are already being railroaded on this.

  19. Brad, on that last video, beginning at 4:45, she turns the corner and once she clears the overhang of the entryway more shots are fired and it looks like the muzzle flash coming from very low on the building. Certainly not the 32nd floor, closer to the 4th or 5th. It seems they must be silencing people that were in the Mandalay Bay, anybody hear of people that heard shots within the hotel?

  20. And what about smoke alarms in the hotel? I know anytime I’m going to start firing off my guns in the house I better disable them or I’ll have the whole neighborhood wondering what’s going on.

  21. Joe

    They are now reporting he built to raised platforms in front of each window. WTF? I’m assuming hammering, nailing and skill saws are less intrusive than gun fire.

  22. Do you think there is any video showing all this stuff going to his room? I saw one report from housekeeping that said they got into the room every day to clean and didn’t see anything suspicious. I think we are being played.

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