Trump Says, “I’m Always Right” – IOTW Report

Trump Says, “I’m Always Right”

He is. But more importantly, the left is ALWAYS WRONG.

Biden’s border U-turn: White House begins construction on a WALL in Texas to deal with a surge in migrants in shock reversal – prompting Trump to gloat that he was ‘always right.’


  • DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas quietly issued the wavier on Wednesday
  • Cited ‘acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers’ at the border
  • Wavier applies to limited stretches of the border in Starr County, Texas

The Biden administration has made a stunning reversal in migration policy by revealing it will build 20 miles of border wall to try and combat the latest surge in migrant crossings.

In a shock announcement on Wednesday night, the Department of Homeland Security said it’s waiving 26 federal laws to start constructing a new ‘physical barrier’ that was started under Donald Trump.

The Biden White House has consistently slammed Trump’s tough migration policy and even cancelled the wall construction when Biden took office.

On his first day in office, Biden even declared that building a wall wasn’t ‘a serious policy solution.’

But the recent acceleration in migrant crossings and pressure to deal with the crisis has now forced the federal government to change direction.

The U-turn comes as Democrat-run cities such as New York and Chicago demand Biden do more to stop border crossers ending up in their communities and straining resources. 


12 Comments on Trump Says, “I’m Always Right”

  1. Trying to make up for the bad optics of ordering BC to cut through state gov barriers?

    They just want something to point to so they can claim the border is secure, even if they actually do an intentional poor job.

  2. the money changers will now award a no-bid contract for more border wall materials because they sold millions of dollars of it for chump change

    “Up to $300 million worth of taxpayer-funded wall components have been left to rust since Biden came to office, Republicans have said. GovPlanet netted $154,200 for 729 of the 28-foot-tall hollow beams, sold in five separate lots for an average $212 apiece.”

    will they’ll close those areas they welded open?

  3. I don’t get it. Not only was Border Patrol waving people through, helping them cross the border, they were removing Texas state efforts to slow them down. I think building the wall is an election-year stunt.

  4. Typical dumbass government move. Liquidate the materials on hand, then procure new materials at 100 times original cost, proceed with job. Genius I tell ya.

    The real irony of all of this is that most likely the majority of the labor will be Hispanic.

  5. the sheriff is near Thursday, 5 October 2023, 9:58 at 9:58 am

    u were wrong on bump-stocks & vaxx, admit it

    Celebrating gay marriage was wrong as well (Trump is siding with the Pope). That right there ended my support for him – and Operation Warp Speed.

  6. Operation Warp Speed was a good move. In fact if you look at the data they were rolling out at the time it was about the only way to save humanity. Trump gave the pharmaceutical companies a chance to perform or fail. People that are biz for themselves face that challenge daily. They failed and got rich in the process. I understand you hate the man because he accepts 3% of the population you have issues with. I’m wondering who you think is a better choice. Like Admiral Flynn says, if this goes wrong, it will probably be our last election. But damn those gays.


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