Trump Says Saddam Hussein Was a Bad Guy, a Really Bad Guy – IOTW Report

Trump Says Saddam Hussein Was a Bad Guy, a Really Bad Guy

After saying Saddam Hussein was a really bad guy, Trump said Saddam was very good at killing terrorists.

Trump haters find a way to make Trump worse than Hussein for saying this.

9 Comments on Trump Says Saddam Hussein Was a Bad Guy, a Really Bad Guy

  1. The dems are amazing truth twisters! (aka liars)
    Using a star to show what a crook Hillary is, all of a sudden is anti-semantic (and that turncoat Ryan helped them out again)

    This presidential race is getting pissier every day. We can only hope that in Trump, these charlatans (a word Hillary dared accuse Trump of being), have more than met their match.

  2. After today these fuckers may want to shit or just get off the pot.
    Choose sides you pricks.

    I have been pro & anti & then pro Trump again but goddamn!
    The bickering bullshit has to stop.

    Time is nigh to get on board the Trump express and throw the witch from the train.
    Then back up with full steam, just to be sure.

  3. “Today, Iraq is like Harvard for terrorists.”
    I find that to be a hilarious statement and I fully understand what Trump is saying.
    Try getting some of that humor out of the Wicked Witch of Arkansas – she doesn’t do humor.
    Here’s what we get from her, “Republicans are my biggest enemy.”

  4. Here’s something else Trump said in this speech (paraphrasing): It would be good to unite the party. I actually don’t think we need those people to win..I’m sure we’ll win without them. In fact, maybe it’s better not to have people like that (#NT), anyway. If they don’t like the party, it’s probably better not to have them.

    We just have to forge ahead without them if they will not be jollied into getting behind the Republican nominee. They’ve shown who they are. They don’t care if Killery is president and they don’t care where this country ends up. That’s the long and the short of it. We don’t need any more proof of where they stand. And, frankly, I don’t care. If anything, I’m glad to know who they are. And I can’t wait to see them all crap their pants when Trump is elected. It will be great good fun to watch them scramble.

  5. Trump was only speaking the truth – again.
    Saddam was a bad man. And he was also good at killing terrorists. It’s what dictators do. To keep a tight grip on their country, they kill anyone who would attempt to depose them.
    So what’s the problem? Oohhh, I get it. A REPUBLICAN said it. Therefore, he’s already under attack by the DildoCrats, and so is anything he says, true or false.

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