Trump says Saudis will increase oil production at his request to lower gas prices – IOTW Report

Trump says Saudis will increase oil production at his request to lower gas prices

Washington Times: BEDMINSTER, New Jersey — President Trump said Saturday that he persuaded the king of Saudi Arabia to increase oil production in an effort to lower gas prices in the U.S.

“Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that, because of the turmoil & disfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference…Prices to[o] high! He has agreed!” Mr. Trump tweeted from his private golf club in New Jersey.

As the summer driving season moves into high gear, retail gasoline prices have been as high as $2.96 a gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration. That’s about 24 percent higher than a year ago.

9 Comments on Trump says Saudis will increase oil production at his request to lower gas prices

  1. Supply and demand don’t drive production volumes. Politicians and the news reporters that report the news control prices and production volumes. That is why it is so important to vote for the Democrats. They care about the little guy and they are the only ones that can keep you prosperous (well from starving anyway)

  2. It’s the headline that is stupid. And the premise. Trump doesn’t control supply and demand. And the Saudi’s don’t control it either. That is another media myth. We produce more oil than the Saudi’s. Venezuela used to. Russia produces more. There are hundreds of state owned oil companies that contribute to oil output.

  3. “Supply and demand don’t drive production volumes”
    That’s all that drives it, unless governments get involved.
    But it takes no brain to repeat the party line, only a recording device.

  4. As well as increasing oil production, when was the last new oil refinery built in the US? Last I ever heard, it was over 50 years ago. One can have all the oil in the world, but if it’s bottlenecked at the refinery, gasoline will still be expensive.

    Oh, and Larry, if you’re being sarcastic, give us the (/sarc) tag. Too many people are taking you seriously. And if you’re being serous, then STFD and STFU.


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