Trump Sets ‘Ambitious Goal’ of Cutting Unemployment Rate for Ex-Cons to Single Digits – IOTW Report

Trump Sets ‘Ambitious Goal’ of Cutting Unemployment Rate for Ex-Cons to Single Digits

( – President Donald Trump set what he called an “ambitious goal” on Thursday to cut the unemployment rate for former inmates to single digits.

“The unemployment rate for former inmates is up to five times higher than the national average. My administration has set an ambitious goal: We want to cut the unemployment rate for these individuals to single digits within five years, and we think there’s a really good chance of doing it,” he said during a White House event on second chance hiring.

“Too often, former inmates are not considered for jobs even if they’re qualified, rehabilitated, and ready to work, and that’s why we’re taking crucial steps to encourage business to expand second chance hiring practices,” the president said.

“So when we say ‘hire American,’ we mean all Americans, and that’s what’s happening. First time, probably, ever. And I think I can say, truly — and a lot of the folks in the room are experts and you’ve been doing this for a long time — but I think it’s probably the first time we can truly say that in the history of our country that that’s happening. So it’s really been fantastic,” he said.

In furtherance of this goal, Johnny Taylor, president of the Society for Human Resource Management, which represents 300,000 human resources people worldwide and whose companies employ 115 million people everyday, launched a website called “Getting Talent Back to Work.”

He announced that they got 1,500 U.S. employers “to immediately sign to join the movement, because we needed employers to commit.”

“What we know is that once people … get out of incarceration, too often they return because they can’t find a job. These aren’t bad people. They’re people who are trying to survive, and we can play a role in that if we can help remove some of the barriers — those barriers that lead to high levels of recidivism. Again, no one wants to go back,” Taylor said.  read more

5 Comments on Trump Sets ‘Ambitious Goal’ of Cutting Unemployment Rate for Ex-Cons to Single Digits

  1. Something the last two black democrat presidents failed to do, prison reform, etc.

    That said, blacks will still vote democrat 90% in 2020.
    *Sigh* 🙁

  2. This is really quite an ambitious and important goal. When ex-cons can’t get legitimate work, what do they fall back on? It’s costing us way too much money and strife when people are so cynical about their futures they see no need to be upstanding citizens with life goals like the rest of society. I applaud POTUS Trump for trying to turn the tide on the culture of career criminals.

  3. If only Democrats (The creators of Welfare) would stop providing and supporting free sh*t for votes, hopefully for this they would come to the table and unite.
    Counting in 1,2,3,,, decades, Sure they will!


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