Trump Signs Executive Order Implementing Major Federal Workforce Reduction – IOTW Report

Trump Signs Executive Order Implementing Major Federal Workforce Reduction

National Pulse

President Donald J. Trump issued a new executive order on Tuesday, instructing federal agencies to collaborate with the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to reduce staff levels and restrict hiring. The directive—which outlines a “workforce optimization initiative” led by DOGE’s Elon Musk—aims to significantly reduce the size of the federal government.

According to a Trump White House fact sheet, the directive tasks agency heads with working alongside DOGE to decrease federal workforce numbers and limit hires to roles deemed “essential.” Additionally, the order includes provisions for agencies to craft plans for “large-scale reductions in force” while evaluating non-essential functions not mandated by law.
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15 Comments on Trump Signs Executive Order Implementing Major Federal Workforce Reduction

  1. So now the useless drones that chose a govt job over being a realtor (for better pay and less work) will have to fall back to America’s no-talent go-to-job and learn how to count bathrooms and open front door locks to earn their keep.

  2. Dropping this here as it’s so well written/stated;

    “For years, they’ve been getting paid with your money, a billion dollars a week of American tax dollars, and laughing at you as the United States faces a fiscal deficit and as you’ve pinched your pennies hoping to survive the Democrat Party’s 20% inflation, as their leftist allies were living large,” writes Kass. “They’ve been discovered. We see the hate and madness in their eyes directed at us for seeing the other side of their face. Now they’re screaming like scalded cats in a sack.”

    — Written by the I&I Editorial Board

  3. I find it amusing that with the advent of computers, the need for lots of staff in the private sector has diminished (I am thinking about bank tellers who used to enter manually your withdrawals and deposits into your bank book) and yet, the government employees have expanded exponentially!

  4. I worked in the federal government as military, civilian, and contractor for a total of 28 years. The ugly truth is that even in the intelligence community, 90 percent of the workers are nearly useless, including analysts. Worst are the local hires in DC (hint, hint) who spend the majority of their day doing nothing productive. Example 1: I would often see women walking around with a order catalog, talking to other women on work time. Selling anything from cosmetics to clothes. Example 2: One “technician” spent seven of eight work hours chatting on the telephone with her friends in the building. I asked her supervisor why she was not fired. “It takes two years of documented evidence to even try and get someone fired.” Example 3: Nobody knows how to do research. Despite analysts having college degrees up to the PhD level, almost none of them could do anything other than a simple data search. By simple I mean, “Iraq.” They couldn’t put two search terms into one query. I could not believe it. Example 4: Had a Lieutenant Commander from the USNR got mobilized from a big law firm in NYC. Despite being about 40 years old, and apparently a great lawyer, he could not…type. Not one key. Excellent penmanship. I asked how he got through college and law school. “I paid someone to type my papers, after I did them in long hand.” I kid you not. Decent guy, but almost useless. He didn’t stay long, maybe six weeks after 9/11. Example 5: One guy was writing a science fiction novel, on a government computer, during work time. And this was after 9/11.

    I sincerely hope that the entire federal government, military included, is scrapped. Start over from square one. And don’t allow any civilians to be rehired.


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