Trump signs executive order to defend women from gender ideology, restores ‘biological truth’ – IOTW Report

Trump signs executive order to defend women from gender ideology, restores ‘biological truth’

Just the News

Among the actions President Donald Trump took Monday to overturn much of the previous administration’s agenda, Trump signed an executive order requiring that the U.S. recognize only two genders

8 Comments on Trump signs executive order to defend women from gender ideology, restores ‘biological truth’

  1. Sexes (male and female) – not “genders” (masculine, feminine, and neuter).
    The nihilistic totalitarians chose the word “genders” as opposed to “sexes” because most people are too ignorant to understand that “gender” is a grammatical term where “sexes” is biological. They hoped the confusion would spread and be accepted – he who controls the language controls the narrative.
    We sucked into it and allowed them to get away with it because we’re a bunch of morons.
    Everyone who misused the word “gender” should have been slapped across the face with a dead fish – a large dead fish – that would have curtailed the abuse.


    STOP IT !!!!

    Thank you Not That Anonymous.

    People don’t have “genders”. They have “sexes”.

    “Gender” is not a synonym for “sex”.

    “Sex” is a reproductive role. There are two: male and female.

    “Gender” is a language convention that artificially assigns inanimate objects, words, and ideas characteristics that are male-like, female-like, of neither. There are three: masculine, feminine, and neuter.


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