Trump signs order making English official language of America – IOTW Report

Trump signs order making English official language of America

President Donald Trump on Saturday night signed an executive order declaring that English is the official language of the United States.

The anticipated action marked the first time an official language has been declared by the federal government. 

Trump’s order said the declaration would improve the cohesiveness of the nation.

“From the founding of our Republic, English has been used as our national language,” the order noted. “Our Nation’s historic governing documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, have all been written in English.

“A nationally designated language is at the core of a unified and cohesive society, and the United States is strengthened by a citizenry that can freely exchange ideas in one shared language,” it added. more

16 Comments on Trump signs order making English official language of America

  1. Trump should have done this the first time he was President just to see if Biden would have cancelled it after he got into office.

    Congress needs to take this EO and make it LAW!!!!!

  2. Most spoken language in the world by far.
    I think it’s coming to a point where AI is going to make it so there isn’t a problem understanding what’s being said in any language.
    Pre Tower of Babel.

  3. And dump the ESL (English as a second Language) nonsense and make it English as a first Language – EFL.

    ESL sounds like the Fed. Dept. Of Education program. Or, realistically, the Fed. Dept. of Failed Education.

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