Trump Slammed for Skipping African-American Museum. Instead, He Met with MLK’s Son – IOTW Report

Trump Slammed for Skipping African-American Museum. Instead, He Met with MLK’s Son


In an interview that aired Sunday, civil rights icon, Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), declared that Donald Trump was not “a legitimate president.”

As CNN notes, Lewis’s comments sparked some harsh criticism from Trump, and was followed by news that the president-elect was canceling a visit to the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture on Martin Luther King Day — something Trump’s team said was due to scheduling issues.

While some have argued that this was a missed “chance for much-needed goodwill after his feud with a civil rights leader,” what Trump did instead on MLK Day paints a very different picture:

On Monday, the president-elect met with Martin Luther King III — the son of the slain civil rights figure who has become a human rights leader in his own right — for a conversation that reportedly focused on the legacy of MLK Jr.


21 Comments on Trump Slammed for Skipping African-American Museum. Instead, He Met with MLK’s Son

  1. Then they say, peotus causes closing and search of African American museum by demanding a visit on the 2nd most important black holiday the first being that Christmas time thing.

  2. It’s as if the Left now wants to be pleased and appeased about everything simply because they lost. Marching in step to their trumpet band ain’t happening. They didn’t seem to care much for the Right thought and felt when Obama ruled; our feelings didn’t matter. Listen people, Trump will do what he wills to do–he follows his own man in the forward path. And he’s fair. They know it, but still resent him. God Bless you Mr. President.

  3. Say what you will about Trump’s buildings, but any one of them puts that giant stack of cardboard trays on Mall to shame.

    I could see that monstrosity as a temporary structure at the 1964 World Expo or something, but as a permanent blight on The Mall? Sad.

  4. Pravda and Izvestia (aka: the lamestream media) will decide what’s proper for the incoming President to do at any given moment–so why are we so surprised that they’re trying to goad someone into creating fake news?

  5. …and as per usual, the leftist MSM did everything it could to maneuver MLK III into criticizing Trump for his tweet about Lewis. But MLK III out-maneuvered the MSM and wouldnt get sucked into their Hate Trump game. I’m sure the MSM leftists hate MLK III now and will begin calling him Uncle Tom or some hateful shit like that.

  6. That new insanely expensive AA Museum is such a waste. Horrible ugly exterior — looks like some evil Orc fortress from LOTR.
    The interior is 70% empty wasted space– a series of huge empty concrete corridors from one escalator to another, devoid of exhibits or even wall art.
    Must be a gift shop every 100 feet. What few “exhibits” are giant slideshows depicting 400 years of lynchings, howling white mobs burning peaceful AA neighborhoods, the horrors of the slave trade in which we learn 99% died before they could even be loaded onto the boats, another 99% died during the crossing, yet another 99% died during the auction and yet another 99% died in the wagons on their way to their first plantation.

    A horrible place designed to teach schoolchildren ( by the bus loads daily) that America is what Obama and Van Jones preach, where all whites are racist and evil, all blacks are good and cool and oppressed, and white genocide is inevitable and long overdue.

  7. If these radical, America-hating Leftist victimists want to have their own, separate museum based on race, fine. But don’t expect Caucasians to line up and stoop through in cringing obeisance. Those days are gone.

  8. Lewis and Kerry and broken records. Yes, we know you served in Vietnam and yes, we know you were beaten in a civil rights march (by police commanded by a Democrat), but what have either of you done in the last 50 years that matters?

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