Trump Spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, Under Scrutiny- And it’s not pretty – IOTW Report

Trump Spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, Under Scrutiny- And it’s not pretty

Malcolm X is her hero.

She voted for Barack Obama.


She believes that Trayvon Martin was murdered and the police covered it up.

She believes the Trayvon incident was exploited by the right to inflame the bigoted conservative base in order to raise money.

“It’s hard to argue that the GOP isn’t racist,” she once tweeted.

We’ll see how Trump handles what could become a campaign issue by day’s end tomorrow. This is that time of season where all of these types of attacks test a candidate. Every candidate has to go through it, and it can break a candidate if the constant flow of these jabs are handled badly.

This is just about Trump’s spokesperson, we haven’t even gotten to the part where people will be trotted out from the past to say Trump held them down and cut off their hair. Maybe we’ll learn that he went on vacation and used a dog carrier outside of the car, or had a Blue Buddha bong in college.

Soopermexican has claimed to be the first blogger to unearth this stuff, and we’ll honor that by giving him his well-deserved link.

The Daily Caller, who took Sooper’s ball and ran with it, has more HERE.


48 Comments on Trump Spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, Under Scrutiny- And it’s not pretty

  1. Dare I say it here amongst friends? She is a fitting spokesperson for the Trump campaign as she is misinformed / uninformed about many current issues and displays similar confusion over what she says and what she claims to believe at any given time. Not a confidence builder if she is representative of the type of people Trump will hire as advisers or govt. employees. And she was hired – not a voluntary endorsement like Palin or Beck with Cruz.

  2. She was a Texas Tea Party activist and Cruz supporter until Trump hired her as his spokesperson. Apparently this caught the Cruz campaign off guard at the time. it was considered a savvy political play by Trump then – time will tell if it remains so based on this story..

  3. I can’t defend those tweets. And I want to say I’m disappointed. But what I need to say is that she’s done one hell of a job wading into hostile territory and defending her boss. Remember the bullet necklace? Trumps got a huge reputation for sticking by his people. I think he will defend her with all he’s got and I don’t see her leaving.

  4. I’m keeping an open mind about this.

    I’m hoping this ultimately shakes out in favor of the Don, because if it does it means he’s handled it correctly, and that is the best counter for the people who say his temperament is no good.

    I do not want to see this campaign be r8tfucked by innuendo, guilt by association, and, above all, assumptions about the way Trump may or may not govern.

    I have as much cynicism about Cruz as I do Trump. The starting point for all candidates should be healthy cynicism.

  5. Since this “story” broke I’ve spent a few minutes trying to run down other independent reporting but no luck. It’s easy enough to generate fake tweets and report them as legit. I’m surprised BadBlue doesn’t have this up — at least three or four times. Usually Sooper and Resurgent are plastered all over there.

    Well, it will be very interesting to see if anything develops. The dirt digging on Trump has reached October Surprise proportions, I’m still waiting for the mother of all scandals piece on him. I hope they don’t disappointment me.

  6. We’re a Trump-friendly site, but we’ll still report stories of this nature rather than spike them. They are important to confront.

    I crack up at the sites that are reporting this with breathless glee, as if they are Woodstein or Bernwood.
    You can feel the hope that “this is the one” that is going to take Trump down.

    One gets the feeling that they would never, ever report a similar story about “their guy.”

    Every candidate has their negatives. If the site you go to aren’t providing them, you might as well hang out at the candidate’s personal website all day.

  7. Oh boy! Here we go. She agreed with the Rev. Al Sharpton on the Trayvon Martin case, just like Rich Lowry of National Review did.
    Squeeky Palin endorses Trump and Weepy Beck endorsed Cruz.
    Tiny Bloomberg is thinking of a turd party run.
    Commie Sanders is gaining momentum
    Lena Durham is disturbed by Clinton’s attacks on women.
    US Navy boats are captured by Iranians in a bass boat.
    My school taxes are due.
    There’s 18 inches of fucking snow on my driveway.
    I only have 1/2 bottle of Johnnie Walker left.
    Trump is going to shoot someone on 5th Avenue just to prove a point
    .Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court.
    Whiteness History month is coming to Portland Community College
    Blacks want fried chicken in the college cafeteria., somewhere
    Muslims taste like chicken, I hear. So why not….ah…….
    Fuggaboutit, Im outta here.

  8. I’ve thought she did a good job when I’ve seen her taking on the usual suspects in the media (even in years past). I really do hope that this isn’t the whole story here for her sake as well as that of the tea party / conservative movement in general. If the tweets really are hers, by all appearances she would be just another disingenuous “conservative” mouthpiece saying things for fame and money in the eyes of the left.

  9. The pure breed remark was self-mocking because she is not all white and was taunted about it.

    As for the Malcom X stuff – you think that’s going to stick? She’s black.

    Trayvon Martin? Her opinion sucks. Should she be fired over it?

    Dug up tweets:
    “Notice it’s always the Christians that are married or too old to party that tell you how U should be living your life? As if they were St’s”
    “All of the Santorum worshipers do that. lol They can’t handle the truth. Most of the religious types can’t.”

    “What? Now people can’t get divorced? LOL Gotta love Christians. First to name call and First to judge. #classic”

    Her tweet in response to all the dug up history:
    Do “conservatives” whom no one ever heard of before 2008 all of the sudden think they own the place? Is there now a #TeaParty establishment?
    9:56 PM – 21 Jan 2016

    This is it – Trump’s going down.
    Oh well – I’ll have to support Cruz until they dig up old crap on him. Then I’ll have to support Rubio until they dig up old crap on him. Then I’ll have to support Carson until they dig up old crap on him. Then I’ll have to support Kasich until they dig up crap on him. Then I’ll have to support Christie until they dig up crap on him.

    I guess it’s Jeb Bush until they dig up crap on him.

    President Bernie Sanders?

    Night folks.

  10. Cruz hired her first. Ted Cruz showed his support for her, saying, “Katrina Pierson is an utterly fearless principled conservative.” Dallas Morning News January 13, 2014

    And she left Cruz to join Trump.

    So Trump and Cruz both suck now. President Bernie Sanders

  11. Social media is one thing that can hurt everybody these days. Any off color thought or off handed comment can be dredged up and used as a cudgel to figuratively have offenders hauled off to the gulag. The average person can easily run into trouble based on past comments, much less those in the shark infested waters of politics where people hire smear merchants to dig up every possible and potential item that might be used against you.

  12. it’s going to interesting to watch how trump walks through this flypaper

    he’ll look like a fool if he says he didn’t know about her past views, while pushing for better vetting of immigrants / refugees

    he’ll have to defend her, saying his mind is open and she has changed her thinking about america and the right path forward

    but she is still posting stupid stuff on social media, something she has in common with trump

    this is ugly

  13. Indeed, perhaps the unbiased Ms. Kelley from Fox will do some journalistic investigation to get to the bottom of this. Then we will all know the truth–or something like that.

  14. I may have to eat my words for this (I frequently do, and I find they taste better with a little picante sauce), but I’ll say it again: I’m afraid Donald Trump (like the Houston Oilers of old) only exists to break our hearts.

    Here’s hoping I have to break out the picante sauce, but we’ll see…


  15. Progressives look for heretics, Conservatives look for converts.

    Trump should just tell people to shove it! She’s good at her job, she’s staying. I don’t care what her personal opinions are… she’s not running for office.

    We have to get past this purity litmus test. People have a right to change their minds. Much better that someone knows both sides of an argument, and decides for themselves where they stand.

    Don’t forget… Lincoln said and thought, some crazy things too.

  16. This too will pass.

    If people can get past trump’s previous statements and support of obama, hillary, nancy pelosi, harry reid, chuck schumer, charlie rangle, ted kennedy, mitch mcconnel, abortion, partial birth abortion, clinton foundation, eminent domain, assault weapon ban, etc. etc.

    This is a momentary distraction and non-issue.

  17. A spokesman doesn’t have to be an ideologue. A spokesman has only to speak (and lie) well in a consistent and logical manner.

    It’s a job, not a crusade.

    Lawyers and MDs are also able to transcend personal beliefs in order to scratch a few bucks out of some issue.

  18. Obama has dragged so many vile, incompetent people into his cabinet and his appointments and I find that one of the most troubling aspects of his failed regime. Trumps mouthpiece may not speak her own views, but those views will shape her answers. Worrisome.

  19. …”Trump is going to shoot someone on 5th Avenue just to prove a point”….

    This comment from Trump right before Nanny Bloom gun grabber decides to play. Trump is hilarious and always one step ahead, imnsho

  20. “… vile, incompetent people …”

    I beg to differ. Obola and his cohorts have done more damage to America than all of her sworn enemies, combined, over the past ~230 years.

    Vile? Yes, indeed. But certainly NOT incompetent.

  21. All I can say about this is she fooled me! I guess if this is true she fooled Trump. But before she fooled Trump and me she fooled,Glenn Beck,Ted Cruz, the Tea party and a whole lotta voters who once voted for her when she ran.

  22. “I have as much cynicism about Cruz as I do Trump. The starting point for all candidates should be healthy cynicism.”

    Exactly! The playing field is muddy and both sides are knee-deep. It’s gonna be up to their necks before this is over.

  23. Who vets who? Or Whom? Everything about Palins past has been out in public since 2008 so vetting her now is not necessary. Everything about Becks insanity has been out in public so vetting him would just give everyone another headache. But this woman, wasnt vetted by either Trump or Cruz? Something smells.

  24. Cato, you sly dog, you! I was pleasantly surprised by your charitable and moderated take on the situation. You posted this after the Cruz/Beck story got posted. Well played, my friend.


  25. Charlie — Katrina is well-known to (lower case) tea party-ers. The progenitors of the tea party were mostly people whose names no one would recognize today. Keri Carender (“Liberty Belle”) fired up the first tea party demonstration in Seattle on 4/15/09. But she, like a lot of us, never signed on with people who, although they gave the Tea Party a lot of press, risked creating a single entity that could be targeted and and disrupted because of the “leaders'” personalities. Most grass roots tp’ers eschewed public proclaim in order to keep it grass roots and then there was the very real threat of being dogged by the IRS. I was an interim leader of the Seattle-area tp, but chose to leave because I was really worried about the IRS thing. Like Keri, I didn’t want to go to jail.

  26. If tweets are real, this is a evidence of person with some serious disconnect. Are we dealing with another narcissist loon wanting 15 minutes of infamy, a leftist plant or just as disturbing, a repesentative of the true nature of the candidates she’s represented.
    With what is at stake, can any conservative candidate who really wants The United States to excel afford to associate with blatant hypocrisy. Sure, nobody’s perfect but those tweets are unsettling.
    Another problematic issue is Mz. Pierson’s disdain for Christians, given Christianity is the bedrock of our laws and Constitution.
    Pierson needs to work out her insecurities and victimhood mentality without continuing to fault conservatism as the cause.

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