Trump Spots Woman In Crowd With Picture of Son Killed By Drunk Illegal Alien – What He Does Next Warms the Heart – IOTW Report

Trump Spots Woman In Crowd With Picture of Son Killed By Drunk Illegal Alien – What He Does Next Warms the Heart

Sabine Durden felt as if she was invisible. No one seemed to care that her son was killed by a drunk illegal alien behind the wheel of a car.

Trump cares.

We have to trust that Trump will begin to get this plague under control.

ht/ TRN

18 Comments on Trump Spots Woman In Crowd With Picture of Son Killed By Drunk Illegal Alien – What He Does Next Warms the Heart

  1. God bless his soul. Whatever faults people may try to find in him, you can’t doubt that the man cares about Americans. And that’s saying a lot compared to all of the dead fish we’ve gotten since Reagan. (Not counting G.W. Bush, he wasn’t a great president, but he cared too.)

  2. bad_brad

    Although, on second thought, how else to show some reverence for the dead. Imagine the optics if he just signed the posters and returned them. Me thinks this guy is smart… just like he says he is.

  3. rwood654
    I think I would have rather seen him give the women a big hug. Kissing the picture seemed odd to me but obviously it played well.
    And oh yea, he’s smart alright. I really enjoyed the press conference yesterday. That was another major step in putting the liberal media on their heels.

  4. Those who have watched this man campaign for nearly a year are dumbfounded by those who are just now starting to see the passion, authenticity and care Donald Trump expresses to those at his rallies. And it is obvious that those who, until now, (and, often, still) have found grievous fault and repeated the ignorant and claims of the Leftard media against him have made their remarks with no direct information from him.

  5. HTF can anyone down vote AA’s comment?

    You went Full Retard dude, you never go Full Retard.

    I’ve been for Trump almost from the start when he announced but in the past month, I’m believe he isn’t fucking around and is going to seriously kick ass.

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