Trump Supporter Shot During Political Argument in Cleveland – IOTW Report

Trump Supporter Shot During Political Argument in Cleveland

Breitbart: An African American Trump supporter was admitted to a local Cleveland hospital after being shot during a political argument in a bar, reports say.

Paul Jones, Jr., 60, was talking politics with the other patrons at a Cleveland bar named Winston’s Place when one of the others in the room apparently took offense that a black man could be a Trump supporter.  MORE

8 Comments on Trump Supporter Shot During Political Argument in Cleveland

  1. The guy who shot 4 people including President Reagan just granted his freedom —
    Elizabeth Warren saying she would be happiest person on earth if Donald Trump disappeared–this to me is a dog whistle for someone to do the unthinkable

  2. That shooter’s going to be in big trouble when they catch him. He probably didn’t realize that African American Trump supporters are on the EPA’s Most Endangered Species List.


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