Trump Sure Is A Lousy Dictator – IOTW Report

Trump Sure Is A Lousy Dictator

This is the image the left sees every time its members close their eyes and visualize their worst nightmare. Trump the Tyrant, Trump Hitler, Trump the Dictator; the name calling over there never stops. Now that the first 100 days of his administration is history, we can judge the record against the forced perception.

Just how despotic has our 45th president been Here

President Trump has certainly issued a lot of executive orders, perhaps the freedom crushing tyranny lies  Here

8 Comments on Trump Sure Is A Lousy Dictator

  1. How many genuine allies does President Trump have in congress? Between the donkeys and the backstabbing elephants I doubt if there is even 10. I would be interested in hearing if the swamp is deeper and murkier than President Trump realized.

  2. DJT hasn’t arrogated any new powers to himself, he’s used the same mechanisms to UNDO what his predecessors DID. If he’s a dictator, every prez back to Washington was a dictator. (I might debate on the Affirmative side on that question, but that’s for another time.)

  3. Jäger, I sure hope so. I think it’s about time for President Trump to address the nation and describe for all of us that voted for him, as well as those that didn’t, just how corrupt and self serving Washington DC is. That would be a great opportunity to state his intention to make congress live under the same laws that they expect us to live under. It would be a home run.

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