Trump Surprise Presser- Topic: The Wall – IOTW Report

Trump Surprise Presser- Topic: The Wall

ht/ janitor

24 Comments on Trump Surprise Presser- Topic: The Wall

  1. The Left hates the fact/irony patriotic legal Latinos want the border wall. Those guys who stood with President Trump are putting their reputations and fortunes at risk for their country – defending our border against illegals, Latino or otherwise. Love it. Anything to make the Left squirm.

  2. In an earlier statement today Trump remarked about the Poop having a wall around the Vatican. He would make an even stronger point to bring up the walls around the homes of the open border crowd. Ryan, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Zuckerberg, Brown, that wormy mayor of LA, they all have them. Trump should challenge them to โ€œTear down those walls!โ€

  3. He should just tweet a picture of a pen and a phone on the Oval Office desk and say “Hey, somebody left their pen and phone here! Democrats really liked their President dealing with obstructionists this way didn’t they?”

  4. The Trump is smart to not let the rest of the appropriations go without the effective physical barrier as some rascals would be happy to also leave ICE unfunded.

  5. “I was hoping for, but not expecting, announcements of mass arrests.”

    It wouldn’t surprise me if there is indeed a shitload of illegals being arrested, and an unprecedented number of illegals being thwarted at the border, but Trump will be discreet until it’s the right time to tweet out some devastating numbers for the Open Borders Seditionists. And the ADDNPC media will totally miss it too, as they are lazy and easily distracted by Trump’s laser pointer.

    Anybody know how many soldiers we have on border duty now?

  6. These men are amazing risking their lives daily at the border and also in DC now that the liberals know who they are.

    I wanted to see acosta’s head explode dammit.

  7. Thirdtwin, my reference to mass arrests would have involved Clintonโ€™s, Podestaโ€™s, Brennan, Comey, you know, those guys. Mass arrests of illegal would be good too.

  8. The WH press pool IS NOT INTERESTED in facts from the people actually involved in border patrol/security or feedback on the effectiveness of a wall/”barrier”. I bet not one single question would have been about anything these patriots had to say.


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