Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It – IOTW Report

Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

Trump knows he could say, “I’m banning the shotgun and vanilla banana splits,” and it really means little. Trump can’t do either.

Newser–  In a stunning move during a televised meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers Wednesday, President Trump apparently embraced gun control, with little concern for how the NRA might feel about it. Trump urged lawmakers to revive a bipartisan bill crafted in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting by Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III and Republican Sen. Pat Toomey; it failed to move forward thanks to a largely Republican filibuster at the time. Trump called for a number of measures widely opposed by Republicans and the NRA, including expanding background checks, allowing law enforcement to seize guns from people with mental illness, and increasing the minimum age to buy a rifle from 18 to 21. The New York Times reports that Democrats at the meeting seemed “giddy,” while Republicans were “stone-faced.” CNN calls the Republicans “flummoxed.”


28 Comments on Trump Talk On Gun Control Pleases Dems – None Of It Will Ever Happen and Trump Knows It

  1. The Narrative Caption/Media Mantra for today is “Stunning”…I keep hearing and reading that word all morning. They all find Trump’s words “Stunning”.

    Stunning to nobody but them.

  2. The totalitarians want totalitarianism – and that can only be achieved through a dis-armed population.
    The entire “gun-control” debate is about establishing a totalitarian state – it has nothing to do with “the l’il chillens’ safety” or anything else.
    Why do we continue to delude ourselves? History is available to us. “In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is King.” So, also, in the land of the dis-armed, the man with the knife is King. We saw it in Rwanda – 800,000 dead is 6 weeks from machetes – not a gun in sight. Why do we continue to suck into such abject stupidity? The Sheriff’s Dept. was warned of this nut-job, as was the FBI – that they did nothing should explain all that needs be explained!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That was my first thought as well, that Trump is just floating trial balloons, looking for reactions because he knows that’s not going to happen. And yet I see a lot of people getting really upset over his having said it.

  4. I took all my guns canoeing on Lake Michigan last fall and the canoe capsized. I’m bummed that I lost them all in 200 feet of water somewhere out there. 🙁

    Good thing that I had a life jacket or I wouldn’t be here to talk about it.

  5. Trump is floating balloons and playing the progs.

    There is nothing more disgusting than watching poor Sarah Sanders deal with the sophisticated, educated, well-travelled, pissy, petty WH press corps jackals…. ….the best and the brightest of America’s journalists. Most recently they wanted to know if, as a tool of the NRA, Trump was going to abandon the idea of raising the gun buy age limit to 21 — for certain weapons. (Realistically, most shooters are not forty years old.)

    What Trump wants and will get now is armed personnel within schools and each state will be allowed to devise their own programs and rules. ….if Connecticut prefers a program of hiding under desks, sobeit….

    That is Trump’s end game. ….and it takes some Trump-hating prog teacher in Georgia to bring a gun into his school — illegally! — shoot and try to stop the plan. It won’t work; Trump makes sense. ….Lady in Red

  6. I don’t care if this was a clever way to rope-a-dope the Ds. It stinks. My heart can’t take too many of these magic tricks because so many times in the past they turned out to bite us in the butt (all the RINOs).

    Don’t tell me to “have faith” in President Trump. The only one I have faith in is God. There are so many of his supporters that are distressed when he does this. I want him to stand up for us. If he only realized how demoralizing it is to beat the 2A drum so forcefully and then have him act as if he is going to slap us all in the face is just cruel.

    Ok, he doesn’t mean it. I get it. But I’m hanging on by my fingertips emotionally.

  7. He brought them to the table with “bump stocks” and “better background checks” and “age limit.” When they were all seated, we heard “armed teachers” and “concealed carry.”

    Will it be armed teachers in the end? Only if that is what Trump wants.

    I’m hoping he’s going to move from this dead gun legislation effort to a national dialogue on parenting and family values…

  8. Right again! To all my fellow Trump supporters who are FREAKING OUT about the President’s supposed ‘gun grab’. You know the SAME Trump supporters who were FREAKING OUT about his supposed “DACA deal”. The DACA deal is DEAD just as the coming faux “gun control bill” will soon also be DEAD once the clapping seals in congress finish arguing and then fail to pass anything. Meanwhile our president looks like a ‘reasonable centrist’ to the millions of incredibly uninformed Americans. Then, when the coming ‘gun control’ legislation fails (as they ALWAYS do) our President will end up looking good and congress will look bad (again). Meanwhile, behind the scenes this president is staffing up the lower courts with solid Conservatives and rolling back onerous regulation after onerous regulation and in turn HE keeps WINNING and so do WE. There’s a REASON his poll numbers are at 50% (higher than Obama’s were at this point) and congress’s numbers still STINK. I do not understand why so many Trump supporters STILL do not understand how this man works. Maybe in 6 more years, they’ll GET it. Some may never get it but that’s ok so long as WE and HE keep WINNING. #MAGA

  9. The man is playing sort of like a ‘good cop’ and ‘bad cop’ at the same time. Fun to watch. And yeah, it’s a roller coaster ride, too, but it’s mostly the Dems throwing up in the end. 😀 Just like DACA, the Dems chickened out, and they got all the illegals angry with them. The Dems will chicken out here, too because they know they can’t do anything but legislate the handling of the mentally insane in this case. And they won’t, because it will be harder to get them to the polls on election day. If the Dems cared about the violent mentally ill, they’d have helped them in 0bama’s first term where they had the freedom to pass everything they liked, and even up to now with the Republicans. But no. Dems are bullshitters, always have been. They just want the votes and they’re blatant about it.

  10. I spent a lot of yesterday trying to calm down gun store owners we sell to. I finally started asking them what they just watched happen in that televised meeting. I had to explain to them this was DACA part two. Trump’s got them “Moving”. Thats hard to do. Even Feinstein wet her self. Trump is after the mental health component. Trump also knows the Freedom Caucus has said there will be no gun legislation signed without Nation Wide Carry.

    Funny thing is these gun stores are all in California. The only thing more severe currently in Cali than what was proposed yesterday is raising the age to 21 for long gun purchases. And some asshole Cali State Legislator already has written that bill.

  11. Do these Democrats think President Trump is suddenly going to govern with a “pen and phone”?
    Feinstein got Rickrolled, she was so cute giggling and rubbing her hands like the witch she is.

  12. One of those chess levels deals with legislation that has been put into law.
    So far Trump, playing for team conservative, has gained many more pieces than he’s lost.

  13. What’s a D gonna say to get elected, “Trump’s for banning assault rifles, and that’s why I’m against Trump”?
    The usual media only has the part where Trump says to take the guns first, then go to court. I wonder what was said in the few minutes leading up to that.

  14. Ummmm, I may be repeating myself but: Greatest troll around…. Remember, no coincidences…………. be patient.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  15. Here’s the thing, regardless of him playing with democrats. The majority of the country doesn’t pay daily attention to government or politics or Trump. Many others are one issue voters and many of them are gun rights issues. All they heard is banning AR-15s, raising legal age to buy rifles to 21 and take their guns then go through due process.
    Those people will not vote for a man that said that, it doesn’t matter what the outcome is. He can’t lose those voters.

    Just in my little small circle of friends and family I heard how many were already pissed and think they were lied to and now will never trust him again. People have to realize Trump brought out a lot of people who had not voted in years, those people will go back to not voting again.

    Games or not he has to watch what he says and he needs to come out and clarify he isn’t taking anyone’s guns and he’s not fighting NRA members.

  16. Maybe Trump is serious and maybe he’s not. Time will tell. What is NOT in question is the mere fact that he would utter these words will COST HIM VOTES in 2020. Even the appearance of supporting ANY type of “gun control” will cost him massive numbers of votes….odds are good he won’t even win the primary. Most of the time he’s playing fast and loose and messing with the minds of the simpletons on the left. But on this one issue he screwed up royally and odds are good it will cost him a second term.

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