Trump Targets Tongue-Tied Twit – IOTW Report

Trump Targets Tongue-Tied Twit

Epoch Times: President Donald Trump lambasted former Vice President Joe Biden after Biden had a slip of the tongue and almost announced running for president in 2020—a decision Biden is reportedly still mulling over and has not formally made any declaration on.

Trump, who has kept a keen eye on the crowded and growing field of 2020 Democrat contenders—now numbering more than a dozen—criticized Biden on March 18 for failing to speak his lines properly.

“Joe Biden got tongue-tied over the weekend when he was unable to properly deliver a very simple line about his decision to run for President,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Get used to it, another low I.Q. individual!”  more

10 Comments on Trump Targets Tongue-Tied Twit

  1. “… pick out the easy meat …”
    or “low hanging fruit”

    Joey’s a fukkin retard. President Trump simply needs to let him speak for himself. I can see a commercial (in my own mind) of Joey laughing his ass off during the “debate” with Paul Ryan over the dead in Benghazi. Shameful. Any why Ryan didn’t ask him what was so fucking funny about dead Americans, I’ll never know.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Joe has the reputation as a likable clumsy buffoon but I remember watching the confirmation hearings for court positions especially Robert Bork’s crucifixion that showed just what a vicious and deceitful scumbag Biden is hiding behind his public exterior.

  3. Biden’s claim to fame is his approval of the high-tech lynching of Judge (and now Justice) Clarence Thomas.

    To Black Conservatives — Never forget that event !

  4. I just realized that the word “TWIT” is merely a contraction of the word “NITWIT!” Duh.

    And I guess if one were to apply that to the people who communicate on “TWITTER” are properly knows as “NITWITTERS?” Right?

    Just sayin’.

  5. GIN

    I remember bitterly 2 things from Bork’s masacre:
    1 the 7 Bush “republicans” who voted against Bork. in particular the good friend of 2 men named George – “Snrlin Arlen!”!

    2 Many dirty dems including the vicious, brutal Joe!


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