Trump team responds to news that Stormy Daniels has been ordered to pay him restitution – IOTW Report

Trump team responds to news that Stormy Daniels has been ordered to pay him restitution


Porn star Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, has been ordered to pay nearly $300,000 in attorneys’ fees to former President Donald Trump, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.

The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit “said it had no jurisdiction over Daniels’ appeal of the attorneys’ fees issue because she failed to file a notice of appeal within a 30-day deadline of a federal judge granting the fees to Trump,” CNBC reported Tuesday. “The appeals court also said that the same judge had properly included another $1,000 in sanctions against Daniels in the same judgment that awarded Trump attorneys’ fees.”

Trump lawyer Harmeet K. Dhillon responded to the news Monday night. “It was an honor for my team to represent President Trump in this successful 9th circuit ruling,” she tweeted. “Onward!”

17 Comments on Trump team responds to news that Stormy Daniels has been ordered to pay him restitution

  1. Jose Bidenx
    MARCH 22, 2022 AT 11:26 AM
    “It would be inappropriate to speculate on how Ms Daniels will raise the money to pay this.”

    ..there’s a lot of OTHER things she’s gonna need to raise to cum up with THAT kinda dough…

  2. Hunter
    MARCH 22, 2022 AT 11:48 AM
    “How many lap dances ? Happy Endings?”

    …she’s been rode hard and put away wet, and years of sexual abuse are engraved in the numerous deep lines in her face. I suspect she’s only capable of CRAPPY Endings at this point, but she can take heart that there’s enough Democrat perverts for every niche, so I’m sure she can make a LITTLE dough still, maybe with granny porn or scat porn or a one-off with a leading man wearing an unconvincing Trump mask while she talks dirty with a fake Russian accent and pees the bed, liberal pervs would lap it up both literally and figuratively…

  3. Be sure to wear latex gloves and disinfect any cash handed to you from her. Never know where it’s been, or where it came from.

  4. I think it would be very gracious of Mr. Trump to suspend collecting pending an apology. Sure, we can question her morals, but this woman was caught up in a game way above her level and used by a lot of people to further their own agendas. Star-struck and full of herself she went along for the ride, but I’m guessing she lacks the cognitive abilities to fully grasp, then as now, how badly she was used.


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