Trump – “The United States is ready, willing and able to totally destroy North Korea” – IOTW Report

Trump – “The United States is ready, willing and able to totally destroy North Korea”

Strong speech at the U.N. by president Trump.

I’m proud of our stance, I’m proud to have a president with the guts to make such a speech.


33 Comments on Trump – “The United States is ready, willing and able to totally destroy North Korea”

  1. Every major speech is just as good as the Al Smith Dinner speech. His remarks yesterday at the opening of the conference were just as hard-hitting — calling out the entire U.N. for their collective inaction and waste and abuse of money.

    I really love this President.

  2. POTUS has placed the world on notice!

    “I will always put America first just like you, the leaders of your countries, should put your countries first.”
    “We meet at a time of immense promise and great peril… It is up to us whether we will lift the world to new heights or let it fall into a valley of disrepair.”
    “The scourge of our planet is a group of rogue regimes”
    “Rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime… The U.S. is ready, willing and able to take military action, but “hopefully that won’t be necessary”
    “If it the US forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea”
    “It’s time for North Korea to realize that de-nuclearization is its only acceptable future”
    “it’s outrageous that nations would support North Korea and that rogue nation’s pursuit of missiles threatens the whole world”
    “Problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented.”
    “Major portions of the world are in conflict and some, in fact, are going to hell”
    “No nation should have to share a disproportionate share of the burden, militarily or financially”
    “If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.”
    “The American people hope that one day soon the United Nations can be a much more accountable and effective advocate for human dignity and freedom around the world.”
    The “righteous many” must confront the “wicked few.”

  3. @LocoBlancoSaltine
    The world’s representatives at the UN are not in favor of National Sovereignty.
    Nationalism doesn’t resonate with one worlders, particularly those at the UN who think the edicts they set upon all governments must be adhered to.

    Just an ineffective gaggle of self-important wanna-be tin pot rulers of the world (much like the EU).

    Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

  4. All the UN’s little dickTasters must also dwell on this planet. Hopefully they are not too blinded by their vices to realize that fact.
    Since they have never and could never lead the world toward better, they should at least have enough sense to get behind a leader.

    God Bless Donald Trump.

  5. the clip at 1:32, the bearded guy next to the DPRNORK diplomat is looking at the DPRNORK guy as if to say, “dude, he’s giving your country a beatdown!”

  6. TO LBS and UA
    I’m for either “Fat Little Boy” or “You’re Toast”

    There seems to be a theme among Leftists responding to this; it sorta goes like:

    “Oh, Boo Hoo! Trump said MEAN things! Sure, Obama gave $$$ to Iran for a path to nukes, and did nothing about North Korea, but Trump said MEAN THINGS! I’m SCARED!”

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