The Trump Thwarted Attacker – IOTW Report

The Trump Thwarted Attacker

13 Comments on The Trump Thwarted Attacker

  1. So I dropped my high school kid off for a Saturday class at this campus today. No shit, some dumbass dragging and stomping on the flag. Commenting here after one minute of video.

    I would have laid into him with my bare lilly white, clean shaven, non-tattooed, bathed and employed hands.

  2. Reagan in 1969 after sending in National Guard to end Berkeley protests – “You people who are old enough to know better let young people think that they have the right to choose what laws they will obey as long as they are doing it in the name of social protest”

    I guess Reagan wasn’t a conservative, either.

  3. How come nobody else but Trump is calling bullshit on these “Disruptors”?
    Protesting is not shutting down the other side
    Oh how the other Candidates will howl when these bastards turn on them.
    Because they’re on the list
    They just haven’t got to them yet
    But they’re coming for them

  4. Heartbreaking story, pageoturner. We are at war and need the strategy of war – know your enemy and protect yourself.
    We no longer can assume expressing our God given, constutional right to assemble and freedom of speech will be respected by the opposition.
    Trump supporters are going to have to learn to watch out for each other and never attend these rallies alone.
    I have lied my butt off to Hellary and Bern supporters, (very convincingly, I might add) because it can be life threatening to live among insane communist lofos tools.
    Just use wisdom. These are dangerous times.

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