Trump to Announce Nikki Haley as Veep??????????? – IOTW Report

Trump to Announce Nikki Haley as Veep???????????

Sorry to scare you.


17 Comments on Trump to Announce Nikki Haley as Veep???????????

  1. Honestly, I think the woman did an awesome job for Trump. And the country. But you could watch the Globalist get to her, Remember, I won’t run against Trump. That ended quickly

  2. She did do a good job as UN ambassador, mostly called out UN hypocrisy. But everything she has done since then has been awful.
    Rumors like these always come from leftist media; this arose a week or two ago from CBS. They are just stirring the pot.

  3. What was that awful surprise at the end ?!?!
    George Staphycocculus popping out like a phallic jack-in-the-box!

    It may as well have been a bottomless snapshot of Big Mike! Aaargh, eye bleach please!

  4. You must mean Nancy Pelosi. That’s what he called her in New Hampshire on Friday night. Syphilis brain’s dementia is showing itself big time. Republicons see dementia & babbling incoherently as a feature in him. Like baby twins with their own language that no one else can understand.


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