Trump to appoint Kellyanne Conway to key Air Force Academy board – IOTW Report

Trump to appoint Kellyanne Conway to key Air Force Academy board


On Tuesday, President Donald Trump named 26 people he intends to appoint to the boards of various U.S. government-run institutions. Among those Trump said he intends to appoint was former White House advisor and counselor Kellyanne Conway, to serve on the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Board of Visitors.

According to the Air Force Academy, the Board of Visitors is established under Title 10 U.S. Code, § 9355 and “inquires into the morale, discipline, curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, academic methods and other matters relating to the Academy which the Board decides to consider.”

Conway previously served as Trump’s 2016 campaign manager and throughout various roles in the Trump White House. In August, Conway announced her decision to step down from the Trump White House, though she has continued to support Trump in the lead up to the 2020 election, including giving a speech at the Republican National Convention.

Trump also announced his intent to appoint retired U.S. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor to the Board of Visitors to the United States Military Academy.

Conway and Macgregor are among a list of 26 people Trump said he intends to appoint to various “key positions in his Administration”. read more

8 Comments on Trump to appoint Kellyanne Conway to key Air Force Academy board

  1. Given how wokeness and PC dogma has infected all of the service academies, to the point where they are turning out scads of subversive, leftist, desk jockey officers bent on gutting our military capabilities, it is a good idea for Trump to be appointing conservatives to boards like this one, which has probably been seeded with establishment squishes and outright leftists over the years.

    We complain about the permanent leftist bureaucracy in DC, and how it’s stacked against us. Let’s be glad that President Trump has done this, and other things, such as Schedule F reform, to fight back. kt, you’re right that Trump needs to be firing more. And that’s what Schedule F is all about. But strategic hiring must also be done. Let’s hope President Trump makes some more appointments like this.

  2. President Trump is certainly acting like “he is still The Boss”
    I truly hope that the lawsuits are victorious, and that the United States and the world will be seeing another 4 year term of President Trump.


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