Trump To Frank Luntzhead – “We Want Results, Not Tone” – IOTW Report

Trump To Frank Luntzhead – “We Want Results, Not Tone”

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13 Comments on Trump To Frank Luntzhead – “We Want Results, Not Tone”

  1. You know something, guys? I am getting pretty excited about Trump being in this race. I’m not settled on any one candidate (though I lean quite far into the Ted Cruz camp). I’m just enjoying the left’s pea brains going all ‘splody-like.

  2. Keep going, Mr. Trump. We have more than the White House to win. We have Congress and the Senate as well, and many great candidates that need to follow your lead.

  3. That reminds me of an interview from long ago of Burt Reynolds in his own backyard. Burt didn’t wear the wig, and the interviewer commented “I thought you had more hair” which Burt replied “I do. It’s in the house.”

  4. Trump and Cruz might be an interesting team….? Cruz is the only establishment-type not taking pot shots at Trump. …has met privately with Trump, says publicly he likes him.

    Cruz got three of my bonus points for that. ….Lady in Red

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