Trump to hold rally in South Bronx next week – IOTW Report

 Trump to hold rally in South Bronx next week


Former President Donald Trump will hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx next week, and his first major gathering of supporters in his native state since his first White House bid comes on the heels of a record-breaking event at the Jersey Shore.

The May 23 rally will take place at 6 p.m. in Crotona Park, and the Trump campaign has a permit for up to 3,500 people to attend, his campaign announced Friday.

Trump, 77, is expected to speak on the Empire State’s economy, crime rate and migrant crisis. It’s his first rally in his birth state since Buffalo in 2016.  more

12 Comments on  Trump to hold rally in South Bronx next week

  1. I hope that MAGA folks absolutely pack the place!

    Not being familiar with the area, I looked at gMaps and found that Crotona Park is really accessible. It’s adjacent to the Cross-Bronx Expressway (that’s I-95) about a mile or so east of the Harlem River (separates Manhattan from the Bronx). Lots of ways for people from all over the region to get to the park. Lets hope that lots of people DO get to the park on the 23rd!

    Here’s a street view from the Expwy if you’re interested.,-73.8959033,3a,75y,186.24h,108.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sB-5c8dtTlaNcc2YcpEWk6Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


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