Barron is only 17. Wait ’til he hit his growth spurt.
His height is estimated at 6’7″.

Melania and her mom are not in the picture. Her mom was ill, and Melania was taking car of her.
Barron is only 17. Wait ’til he hit his growth spurt.
His height is estimated at 6’7″.
Melania and her mom are not in the picture. Her mom was ill, and Melania was taking car of her.
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That picture gives leftist nightmares.
Nice looking family. Where’s Eric? 6’7″ is more of a curse than a blessing. Anything over 6’3″ makes it difficult to find clothes, furniture, cars, airplane seats, etc. to fit.
edit above
And the first damned thing a stranger asks I’d “did you play basketball?”
Hell no.
I was just about my full height at 17. On the other hand, there was a guy I knew in school who was maybe 5’4”. I saw him again at our 20th high school reunion. I saw his name tag and recognized his face, but I had to look up at him through low clouds and I was 6’0”.
My oldest brother was 5’10” at age 11. He topped out on the shy side of 6’0”.
So Baron may not have much, if any to go.
And he has his dad’s looks and hair.
A few years back we were really into FSU basketball. We were at a banquet and got pictures taken with some of the players. The 6’7” guys seem tall, but when a couple of them were up next to a 7’4” player, they didn’t look that tall.
Baron Trump 2042!
My height peaked at 15 at 5’9″. My three sons are all taller.
I’m still growing, it’s just gone sideways.
I think it’s on record that President Trump is 6’4″… if so Barron is more than just 3″ taller than his dad. Just an observation.
I’m 6’2 in the mornings. About 5’2 in the evening after a day like today.
Whites are the most diverse.
But, can he jump?