“Trump Train” Trial Underway in Austin – IOTW Report

“Trump Train” Trial Underway in Austin


A Texas jury will soon decide whether a convoy of supporters of then-President Donald Trump violently intimidated former Democratic lawmaker Wendy Davis and two others on a Biden-Harris campaign bus when a so-called “Trump Train” boxed them in for more than an hour on a Texas highway days before the 2020 election.

The trial, which began on Sept. 9, resumes Monday and is expected to last another week.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs argued that six of the Trump Train drivers violated state and federal law. Lawyers for the defendants said they did not conspire against the Democrats on the bus and that their actions are protected speech. More

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11 Comments on “Trump Train” Trial Underway in Austin

  1. If the libs had done this to a TRUMP!!! caravan it would be “Boys will be boys” and left off the hook completely. Then invited to the White House. All the comments I read were “hang ’em” and “should be prosecuted to the highest level” Then I realized it was a Yahoo article…….and readers.

  2. Fred Berfle – The article was linked from Citizen Free Press and for a while the comments were pretty good, coming from normal Americans rsather than the usual Yahoo ignoramuses.

    My comment was, of course, censored by Yahoo:

    “The KKK law is ridiculous in this instance. However, there may be traffic laws that apply. In motion, on a highway, is no place for playing political one-upmanship.

    And, yes, the hate-America Left has no problem with far worse political violence when it is on their side. Can you imagine the Leftists of Austin prosecuting Antifa, BLM, or the terrorist-supporting, Jew-hating, “Justice for Palestine” protestors?”

  3. So, if you stop traffic completely, it free speech. If you just slow it down, you get to go to court.
    Odd they would sit on it for 4 years and drag it out just before the election.
    At least they don’t have video of them eating cats.


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